jrayereads's reviews
427 reviews

The Princess Trap by Talia Hibbert

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 1%.
The audiobook narrator sounds like the Narrator from The Stanley Parable and it was extremely distracting to me (this is a compliment). Will need to read with my eyeballs. 
Unsteady by Peyton Corinne

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 15%.
Extremely insta-lovey and I'm not vibing with the characters. I can also tell that this one is going to have more serious content (which isn't a bad thing) and I'm just not really in a place for that right now.
The Ride of Her Life by Jennifer Dugan

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 24%.
Meh, the characters weren't likable and I couldn't get invested. 
D'Vaughn and Kris Plan a Wedding by Chencia C. Higgins

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Rating: 2.5
Format: Audiobook
Genre: Romance

I literally cannot think of a worse way to come out to your religious family than showing up on Sunday morning with a woman on your arm but the fact that it worked out and her family is fine with it??????????? Happy for you D’Vaughn but I am so bitter lmaoooo.

I liked D’Vaughn and Kris as characters and enjoyed their chemistry, but the reality TV element of the plot felt underdeveloped. This would be a truly boring show to watch. Both of their families are supportive and involved with little hesitation. There was barely any conflict between D’Vaughn and Kris and their families or friends, and if there was conflict it was easily resolved after a conversation or two. The stakes were so low and there was almost no tension. The instalove was bad in this one. 

Not bad, but had too many elements that bothered me to rate any higher. Definitely still a sweet book that I think a lot of other people would enjoy. Also, we love black lesbians and queer joy. 
Ties That Tether by Jane Igharo

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 0%.
I didn't connect with the writing at all. Might try again another time.
Flirting With Disaster by Naina Kumar

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 37%.
Not invested in the characters and it feels like nothing is even happening. Do they like each other? Where is the chemistry?