Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
I continue to love exploring Jeff Wheeler’s world. The world building is very rich and full and I sink deep into it while reading. I like the format of his books, with short chapter introductions that read like journal entries of secondary characters and fill you in on details our main character (and typically sole viewpoint) doesn’t know. After this trilogy - which I started next due to a good discount on book one which got me excited to have new Wheeler material even before I realized all three weren’t released yet 😂 - I plan to go by the read order published on his website. I am sure there are great details that I’ll appreciate for reading it that way.
This was an adorable book. The main character is very relatable - I saw a lot of myself in her, despite our age gap and her source of grief being a dead mother and mine a more generalized ennui. It does have some of the common teenage “oh just talk already” forced situational drama, but it is well handled and nicely resolved.
So far this has potential to be my favorite book this month. I enjoyed the use of three main perspectives in the story telling and how their storylines gently drew together. Having lived in Boston and visited areas a lot like those described it was a nostalgic read for me in some ways. I did see one of the solutions coming but I liked how it worked out for those characters so I wasn’t mad about it. Light easy read in most places despite the possibility of angst from the topics the author provides in the summary (pregnancy, adoption, etc).
I listened to this on audiobook. I really enjoyed hearing the author’s voice - I knew it would be good as an audiobook after hearing Gorman’s performance at Biden’s inauguration. That poem is the last one included here, btw. As always, when choosing audio formats these days, there were several parts I wished I could highlight on my kindle to save for later. There was a line about putting down our guns and grief that hit hard (soldier ptsd if I’m recalling it right). But the most moving for me was her summary of the pandemic… a poem in 14ish scenes that took us through 2020 and 2021. I actually cried. I wish I could print that poem out and tape it in my journal for that time. There are lots of poems that touch on the impact Covid 19 had on our lives and what lockdown felt like. There are also some really great poems addressing race - identity, conflict, politics. I will likely read this one again at some point, in print next time to save quotes. Beautifully executed. And I don’t usually just read a whole book of poetry.
I don’t know what I expected from this book, but it was not a play by the rules go where you anticipate kind of read. Interesting character decisions, solid plot that kept you turning pages. Some very highlightable relatable lines across a wide swath of themes.
Let me start with this; this is a most elegantly written novel. The style is superb and absorbing. The perspectives make it a very important read. But while some sections you can float in the prose and just enjoy how fabulous a storyteller Morrison is, the overall subject matter has some deeply disturbing threads. Yes, you know this already if you’ve read even one summary of the book. It doesn’t make it easier to read. It is heartbreaking and disgusting and so so overwhelming that you can’t help but read with a grimace. I know this book has changed me and I will be thinking about it for a long time. I do recommend reading this between fluffier pieces to keep balance.
The banned elephant in the room… I understand why this book gets put up for bans. It has some really dark stuff. But while I don’t know what age I would recommend this to my future hypothetical offspring (certainly after they’ve learned about sex in a more loving and positive context) and I would rather they not have to read this with someone unqualified to guide them through it (which happens in schools sometimes- either due to peers or professionals…). All that said, I cannot imagine denying this voice. Context matters. Don’t ban books.
I feel like this book did not do much to move forward from book one. Yes, the plot moved forward. Sure, the characters learned more of the world and grew up a little. But overall I felt like it was just another YA novel… nothing I will remember having read in a few years. If there was a book three out already I would likely read it because I am a completionist, but I won’t be holding my breath and if I notice it release later (feels unlikely from here in 2023 considering the publication dates of the first two) I will decide based on if I remember the plot of this one at all.
Loved the audiobook read by the author. Really great storyteller for her own life, not just her tv worlds. There is a lot to be learned by her example and she teaches lessons on how to live your life to the fullest in a really good format. It’s like part autobiography, part self help book. Very enjoyable read and I’m glad to know her story better.
I read this immediately after book one (The Autumn Queen Protocol) and was just as swept along in this book as the first. The book could be read as a stand alone if you really must, but is far better paired with AQP. In AQP I found the shift between part one and two to be fairly expected. I didn’t predict it but it made perfect sense when it happened. Here I was like …oh. OH. Big twists in this one, really expands the world from before. We see the return of several major characters with new ones introduced. As always the characters are well fleshed out and multidimensional. Considering where we wound up at the end of book one this all feels very possible.
I know major parts of this review are super vague but I really don’t want to do a spoilers cut and it is so much better if you discover it as it unfolds. You are really best not reading too many reviews and accidentally learning something at the wrong time on this one. If you like zombie books and especially ones with some pointed real world critique you will enjoy this book and should stop reading my review and go pick up a copy.
Great character development, really nice portrayal of teen emotions. Lots of places where you’re tempted to go jeeeeze just talk it out already but that is so appropriate for 17 year olds. I really enjoyed the depictions of these characters and was rooting for them all the way through. Authentic feeling representation of mental health and post trauma recovery.