jmrkls1's reviews
931 reviews

Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult

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I love reading a book that makes you question. I found myself questioning and thinking thru many parts of this book. Jodi Picoult's writing has a way of capturing me thru most of her novels. LOVED THIS BOOK!!
Sharing Your Story: Recording Life's Moments in Mini Albums by Ali Edwards

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I loved the ideas but wish there were more pictures of the albums that were created. There was so much talent but I left the page wanting to see more. Love Ali's style--love her inspirations.

How Santa Lost His Job by Stephen Krensky

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A little disappointed with this one. And what is with Santa marrying the mail carrier at the end??
Louise, the Adventures of a Chicken by Kate DiCamillo

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Love love love the illustrations on this one. We liked the idea of chapters to start a new adventure but felt something was missing.
The Worst Person's Christmas by James Stevenson

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My son laughed thru this one. He totally got it. James Stevenson is always so clever. Different from your average Christmas story.
Happiness Sold Separately by Lolly Winston

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I enjoyed her first novel very much and I also enjoyed this story line as well. It was good to see that the people involved in the storyline were looking out for other's future happiness rather than their own. I could respect the characters as a result.
Christmas Letters by Debbie Macomber

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I picked this up in the library. Wanted to enjoy a sappy Christmas love story. This was a quick light read and read in basically one sitting.
Comfort: A Journey Through Grief by Ann Hood

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I can't imagine going thru this experience. I hope and pray that I never do. It was difficult for me but allowed me to see how grateful I am.
On Strike for Christmas by Sheila Roberts

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This was a very fun read before Christmas. My gosh-doesn't almost every woman could probably relate to around this time of year.
The Spellman Files: Document #1 by Lisa Lutz

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This was a quick weekend read. Family of misfits who manage to work together. Loved the 13 year old character (rae). She was a riot!