This is my first Critical Role comics, and now I wanna read all of them. It’s just so perfect!
The art is incredible. I too rarely take the time to pause and really look at the art in comics, but I couldn’t help myself with this one. Every page is infused with that same level of serenity and beauty Caduceus embodies. Even the blighted animals didn’t feel as horrific as they should have with the calm pastels.
I’m so glad I caught sight of it at the library. Now I wanna read all the other origin comics!
This series is great about expanding more on clones and Mandalorian culture. I am loving those aspects and if it wasn’t for the things that give me grief, I would have given it 5 stars.
Unfortunately the things that bothered me were too obvious to ignore: - The Jedi hating. It’s not just Skirata. This book bangs on again and again how awful the Jedi are. And having Etain as one of the the only 2 Jedi characters moderately present is not helping. -Etain. The only female character with a decent presence (which makes all of this even worse, because in this book she’s just there to cause emotional conflict) and she’s just all around terrible. She still feels like a kid (it’s never specified how old she is – except that she passed her trials since Qiilura – but she reads very much like a teenager), but she’s thrown into this whole romance with Darman (which doesn’t feel organic at all) and gets herself knocked up within a week. The book would be so much better without her. -The lack of any kind of diversity. I know, I know. It’s an older book. It makes sense for it to be very heteronormative and to include actual slurs (and not just SW slurs) on page. But I’m so tired of the heteronormativity and xenophobia.
Don’t care about the action (although it’s a bit jarring how it cuts abruptly without explanation every other scene), WHO THE HELL AGREED TO THIS ART?!?!?! THEY GAVE ZEEN HAIR!!! SHE’S A MIKKIAN!!!! MIKKIANS DON’T HAVE HAIR, THEY HAVE TENTACLES!!!!
First of all, Zeen got HOT. Like girl grew up and gained some muscle over the past year. She’s a wlw wet dream.
Which brings me to my second point: THRA doesn’t feel like it’s for kids anymore. Which I kinda love. Because the phase 1 issues were ok, but didn’t draw me in much. Then phase 2 was a mess at large. But this… this is YUM! It’s still very much YA, but definitely not MG anymore.