jenna_lamers's reviews
159 reviews

Pretty Little Wife by Darby Kane

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This book was so so good! A domestic suspense novel with a twist. Lila killed her husband and left his body to be discovered, but his body has now disappeared. Lila is kept wondering if he is really dead. An investigation starts to find her missing husband, bringing up some of her husbands dark secrets. Through the book you learn more about Lila’s past, her upbringing, and some of the other people in her life (can they really be trusted?). Is Lila a cold blooded Killer, or a vigilante who took matters into her own hands? And what happened to her husbands body? So many questions. As the story reveals the answers I found myself hooked on every twist and turn. This book is so engaging and I highly recommend it if you feeling some domestic suspense vibes!
The Last House Guest by Megan Miranda

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This was not my favourite Megan Miranda book but it was still a good one! A vacation town for the rich and a middle class fishing hometown for the locals. Avery gets a taste of both lives when she befriends Sadie Loman. Sadie’s family is very wealthy and spend the summers in their vacation home. At the end of the summer Sadie is found dead of an apparent suicide. Avery doesn’t believe so. The book jumps between past and present and as the dots start to connect, you never know who you can trust.
The Turn of the Key by Ruth Ware

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Another five star Ruth Ware novel! Fast paced and creepy. A nanny takes a live in job in remote Scotland. The home has a creepy backstory, and is supposedly haunted. The family is a bit weird. And everything is starting to unravel, then the unthinkable happens. One of the children is found dead. How did it happen? Who did it- was it murder or an accident? Lies and secrets are dug up and there are many twists and turns. I just love the way this novel was written and would highly recommend this read if you’re a fan of Ruth Ware!
The Last Coyote by Michael Connelly

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A great novel about detective Harry Bosch. He has been suspended pending a psych eval. He takes the time to dig deep and also start on avenging his mothers death. With many twist, turns, and uncovering corruption he works towards finding his mothers killer.
The Cosy Coffee Shop Of Promises by Kellie Hailes

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This was one of my latest chicklit reads! It played out like a cheesy hallmark movie which is exactly why I liked it! Mels dream of opening and running her own little coffee shop seems to be coming true, that is until the Tony local pub owner and towns lady man, buys himself a fancy new coffee machine. She views him as her rival. She gets word her judgy mother is coming to town and she needs a fake fiancé to get her mother off her back. She turns to Tony. Rivals, faking dating, and a cute story- nothing wrong here! Its a very charming and cozy read!
The Poet by Michael Connelly

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A reporter is touched by tragedy when his detective brother dies by suicide. After some digging, things may not be as clear as they were made out to be. Uncovering his brothers suicide as murder, Jack McEvoy starts looking into other cases of detective suicides that may also be murder. He does so based off of one signature detail. He works with the FBI to track down the killer on the promise he will get the exclusive for the story. With the typical Michael Connelly twists and turns you dont see the ending coming! This was a great fast paced read that I would highly recommend!
Five Little Indians by Michelle Good

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A five star read and an eye opening book. It is my opinion that everyone should read this book. Although it is labelled as fiction, the experiences of the variety of characters in this book are not. They are someones reality, and that is the saddest part of all. This book follows the POV of five survivors of church run residential schools. Not yet adults, they are sent out into the world with minimal skills and torn away from their family and culture. As they continue to find their way in a world that views them as less than human, they form unbreakable bonds with each other and form their own paths while dealing with the trauma they faced as children. This book is beautifully written and I highly recommend it!
A Touch of Darkness by Scarlett St. Clair

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A modern re-telling of Hades and Persephone. This novel is from Persephone’s point of view. Shes a young adult who wants to find her path among the mortals. A deal between Persephone and her mother is that she can do this, but she is forbidden from showing her true self (a goddess) so she uses her mothers magic to shield this, the other rule was to have no contact with the God of the dead. Persephone is becoming a successful woman. She is going to university and is soon to graduate while also interning as a journalist. After a chance encounter with Hades, she find herself locked into a contract, create life in the Underworld or lose her freedom forever. Persephone now on borrowed time and borrowed magic, try’s to save herself from her potential prisoner. She judges Hades and misunderstands him and his work as the God of the Dead. She begins to learn the truth about the God and as her feelings for him grow, so does her sense of identity. It is a definitely a ✨spicy✨ read, but with a very unique and great story line. I look forward to reading the rest in the series!!
Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover

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Emotional Damage? ✔️
Kenna is a “free” woman after spending five years in prison for a tragic mistake she made resulting in the death of her at the time boyfriend. She is back in the town where it happened with the hopes of getting to meet her daughter, who is in the custody of her dead boyfriends parents. Her daughters grandparents.
She has no parental rights and is struggling to get back on her feet and prove she isn’t the monster everyone thinks she is. She knows what they lost, and how much hurt they are feeling. But what about her? She lost the man she loved, her only connection to him, and possibly even her hope.
That is until she meets Ledger.
This is a very thought provoking story line and shows how far forgiveness and a little kindness can go. Its a heart breaking story that you can’t put down.
Red Dragon by Thomas Harris

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Trying to move forward with his life after catching the infamous Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham is living in Florida by the beach, that is until Jack Crawford comes knocking asking for his help on another case. Two families from different states are brutally murdered in their homes and they’re no closer to finding the person who did it. Will agrees to help and the story follows the investigation and the POV of the murder. The psychological dive into the background of “The Red Dragon” is so well written and I loved every twist and turn as the story started to unravel. I highly recommend this read and look forward to the test of the series!