jane_kelsey's reviews
1348 reviews

The Light Keepers by Mande Matthews

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this short story was really nice, actually is the prequel to a novel and I really liked it, cannot wait to read the full novel. strong plot, good writing, like her style and the characters. A good writer to follow up.
Silver Bells by Sadie Hart

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Cute, nice story, good writing, a gripping plot and very likeable characters. I'm really glad I took this short story, it was worth it!
Bloodstorm by Amber Kallyn

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I liked this book quite a lot, I was hooked from the first page, the story of this female vampire who's n a quest to get revenge on her sire, the one who murdered her entire family. good, strong writing, but there are a few plot holes that i didn't like how they got filled. I never understood the ghost part, never got passed the soulmates idea, it's too overrated, didn't understand why the hell she was getting hot under his touch when she was basically... dead. And the sex scenes in my point of view, kind of took away that feeling that i had about the book and it was written in such a Sandra Brown way that it made me puke.

All in all, a good vampire book, much better than what I was expecting.
Tea with Emma by Diane Moody

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This little book isn't bad, but it gives me the impression it's a very Jane Austen wanna-be and this bugs me when it's so obvious. It's a story inside a story, but it's so predictable and easy to foresee what's gonna happen that takes all the fun. I actually had to skip some boring passages from it. The book is cute though, short enough to entertain for a while, but I wouldn't get the other ones in the series.
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman

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Amazing story. I am a huge fan of Neil Gaiman's work now. a book that must be read.
Within by Bryan James

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LZR-1143 depicts the outbreak of a virus that spreads fast, a virus that transforms people into mindless creatures; zombies.

Our guy, Louis, is an average looking guy, with an average life and he knows he's a coward, he knows he's not the guy that can save himself and the others colleagues trapped in their offices after the power fails. He's the guy that trails behind, letting others take charge and you don't know if you love him or hate him, but you definitely want him to run as fast as he can from the hungry hands reaching from him.

The story is gripping, kept me curling my toes without even knowing, I couldn't relax while reading it. I wanted to read more, know more, see more. It was cleverly plotted,the characters believable and felt real to "touch".
Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James

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Reading this one was a total suicidal mission with eye-pocking and my inner goddess just banged her head on the walls of my subconscious.

I actually don't know how I am still alive after reading this. Fifty shades of please fuck me in the head with a gun, I don't want to read this shit anymore! Please, anyone, build a time machine, I wanna go back in time and put a condom on E.L. James' dad before all of this hell and damnation! Ewww, I know, but someone should do it!

This book has no possible-believable-logical plot! This books follows the random fantasies of E.L. who definitely had too much Sandra Brown to read as a kid and remained traumatized and instead of bushy triangles, we have crappy BDSM style of fuckery.

Characters? Better call them Lickers of all the places where our magnificent miss Steel sat her sorry ass. Grey, Juan or whatever his name was... then that supposed future boss... they all praise her for an intelligence that she doesn't posses, but yeah, I suppose E.L. actually looks in the mirror and said: I'm pretty, I'm smart!! and has an inner goddess that managed to annoy half of the planet and delude another half.

People, that's not great sex! that's not even BDSM! Grey is a stupid, perfectly good looking fucker (yeah right, sorry.. wanted to say Edward Cullen)with stalker tendencies who's absolutely smitten with a retarded, unbalanced and seriously mind-fucked Anna (Bella) and the whole story is about how perfect he is and how hot and fuckable-with-a-tampon-up-her-hole Anna really is(though she doesn't know.. see... retarded, she doesn't know how to use a mirror) and a lame excuse to say Charlie Tango 10 times.
He's a manipulative asshole and she's a stupid bitch that doesn't have anything interesting to say, only how beautiful and perfect and oh! so dark and mysterious is this Grey fella.

If you don't believe me,do the 50 shades drinking game and you'll get in the hospital with your inner goddess in a profound coma and serious brain damage (alcohol or book?).

I would recommend this book to my worst enemy: read it and burn in hell!