Amari, my girllll. I feel for her. Always trying to protect the people you love around you and at what cost? Alston does such a wonderful job of immersing young readers into this realm of magic and supernatural phenomena. The way that the Bureau is set up is so unique and wonderfully imagined that I myself feel like a junior agent keeping the peace.
Following Amari on this journey, picking up where we left her after all things Dylan and the Night Brothers, was an adventure. She is learning how to weird her magic and also her emotions and who’s to say that they’re not one and the same? I think that’s something that Amari comes to discover as she trudges forward in absorbed boggling case of time freezes and integrity. Who’s telling the truth? Who hiding behind lies ? It was a powerful book that shows power in belief in yourself rather than your abilities. I’m excited for book three. We fall down to get back up Amari ! So get up girl, we’ve got a world to save !
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
I literally. Sobbed. When Brad and Benny came and sat with Justin after his mom was taken away. And just cried with him. This display of men having and feeling their emotions together healed something in me. And reminded me of the scene between Peter, Ned, & MJ in Spiderman: No Way Home when they find Peter in his place and immediately go to him after he lost May. Like. So tender. So sweet.
Also the fierce love and protection of Maddy is real and raw. I think sometimes our intimidating friends are the most beautiful and rich in love. They are fighters and while they may be tough in their register and delivery, they still stay and fight for you in the deepest ways and through the darkest of times. I loved that Emma had that…she needed it! I often feel like Maddy and I often get curbed for it. But I think everyone should have a friend who fiercely loves them as deeply as Maddy did Emma.
Also. Neil. The culmination of his story three books over actually made sense to me and made me feel empathy for him in the end. I am someone who believes in the ability of people and I stand by the belief that people can change. When they are willing and committed and intentional about it, they can. And Neil did. And I love that for him in the end.
And then Justin and Emma are just so sweet and tender and goofy and NORMAL. Like it was such a tender story. Ugh. Ok Abby. You’ve redeemed yourself for me. I’ll allow it.
I mean. I’m still reeling in complicated and convoluted ways. Like. What. Rio is meticulous in their writing in a way that doesn’t necessarily need all the details to tell the story. There’s raw emotional attachment to these words and I felt them in each of the characters displays.
I think this novel is crafty and intriguing and new in a rich way. I also think it showcases a side of classical education that many (usually rich white folx) fail to acknowledge. It also is just devastating to watch these characters grapple with their inner most struggles and insecurities and repeatedly make the choice to shield them rather than heal them.
The ending. Ouch. But I should’ve seen it coming. Romeo and Juliet, makes sense and then also… is the show still going on? If you know, you know. It’s beautifully written and pretentiously told with its cracks and crinkles of the characters lives and the connection found in these relationships but also the revelation. It’s just a wild book. Semi intense in its themes, but ultimately a good read and of course a questioning end.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
I’m not fine. I haven’t been for a while, and I blamed you for so long because the last thing you ever did was teach me how much loving can hurt. I loved you and you left anyway…If I heal and move on, I’m worried I’ll finally lose you for good. But I want to be healthy. And I want to be happy, though I’ve never trusted happiness. To me, happiness is a fleeting, heartbeat-to-heartbeat experience that comes and goes and hopefully comes back. I worry happily-ever-afters don’t exist for people like us.
I’m actually hurting. This book was so incredibly raw I don’t even think I have all the words yet. I find it hard that so many reviewers and readers haven’t loved this book. It’s so vivid in its honesty about regret and love. And maybe it’s because I’ve experienced the richness of pain that Helen endured in losing a sister she shared shattering last words with. Or I understand all too well the weight of mother wounds and how disjointing they are. Or I carry the overwhelming fear that I’m unlovable and so I keep those words and those feelings and those dreams of vibrant and wild living locked because of a scarcity mindset.
I just get it. I get Grant’s connection to all people while simultaneously having no people. I get Helen’s need to produce something that people need so that they’ll keep you around longer. I get the fear of losing people who you so desperately hope will stay. I just get it. And their story was convoluted and filled with real loss and pain and I get we didn’t get to see them work through it all on the pages of a book but I also think that’s what makes this story so beautiful and true. That healing on your on and healing with someone are two avenues that you can take and in this case. Them healing to together makes so much sense because they’ve experienced the same trauma and yet it has manifested so differently. They trust each other to grow and heal and love each other in their wounded-ness and their health. Both matter. Both will resurface as life goes on. It’s important to know that side of your partner and to learn how to love them in it not just through it.
It is a masterpiece. Dare I say. Love that Yulin is screenwriting “People We Meet on Vacation” - Em knows there’s rich talent here and I’m excited to see more of her works come alive on paper and on the screen.
Black brilliance is out there. And if, as a society, we are going to make an effort to find brilliance, that brilliance just can’t be one color. We need to find it all.
Wow. What a memoir. One I’m grateful to have sat and listened to. The experience of the Black man in America is one that is simultaneously joyful and a heart wrenching. Tyler captures both elements of these realities well and does so with humor and gusto and authenticity.
“Proximity breathes empathy.” I resonate so deeply with that and I think this truth sits at the crux of so much division. Because we don’t expose ourselves or allow our hearts and minds to know the souls of those who are vastly different from us we loose out on so much life and love. I think for whiteness the privilege of power is not worth the privilege of care and true joy and friendship that is found sharing culture and heritage with another individual. The richness that empathy provides can’t be bought… and it cost so much to decline empathies offer. We’ve seen it throughout history. It has cost so much, and it’s been paid in blood.
I think Tyler is a powerful speaker with so much to say and does it in an entertaining and valued way. I love to see a Black man thrive. Also Tyler loves his people and I love that.