itspronouncedtessa's reviews
317 reviews

Dreams of Eden by Jonathan Frost

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 9%.
Convoluted, dry, predictable, juvenile, stilted and boring. Whoever recommended this to me, it's on sight, buddy. 
What Feasts at Night by T. Kingfisher

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A wonderful and weirdly cozy fever dream of a book, but maybe not a bedtime story for a lepidopterophobe.
Days of Shattered Faith by Adrian Tchaikovsky

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This was a beast, but what a ride.

Leave it to Tchaikovsky to make dark fantasy actually dark fantasy. 
Unseen Academicals by Terry Pratchett

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I could write a 12 page essay on this book (on any Pratchett, tbf), but I'll try to keep it brief. 

TL;DR: It's better than Discworld fans will have you believe. 

It has romance and classism, adventure and racism, fashion and feminism. And football. But also Vetinari off his tits and a gay Diego Maradona. So something for everybody. 

GNU Sir Terry Pratchett 💛
Foxglove Summer by Ben Aaronovitch

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Call me basic, but I know what I like and I like silly magical realism with a diverse cast, not too much romance and a good mystery plot. 

The murderous unicorns are a bonus, really. 
Death Masks by Jim Butcher

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Good, fast paced, ridiculous, magical noir pulp. Just chef's kiss levels of fast-food-fiction. 

I love Dresden. I love the fact that he took a shower (several showers!) even more. 
Echo of Worlds by M.R. Carey

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Multiverse perfection, reminiscent of Terry Pratchett's and Stephen Baxter's Long Earth series and Adrian Tchaikovsky's Doors of Eden

- "[B]unny and heavy armor, that’s both cute and hilarious.
Those Beyond the Wall by Micaiah Johnson

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I could not get over the violent torture porn. The constant dick measuring over who can take or dish out pain and cruelty the best. And those are the good guys. 

The characters are unlikeable at best and the story is a gossamer thin convoluted multiverse/timetravel plot buried deep within a heap of gore, oppression and hatred. 

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A House with Good Bones by T. Kingfisher

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Starts off funny and cozy and only mildly weird. Then BAM, page 110 happens and it becomes an only-read-by-daylight-book.

By page 250ish it does jump the shark a little bit, but it's Kingfisher. Kingfisher can jump sharks like no other. 
Saturation Point by Adrian Tchaikovsky

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Smart, fast, tense and clammy.

Everything feels wet and sticky and I now know far too much about death by overheating, but what a ride.