Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
For a book that I had to read for school, I actually really did like this book. It definitely did stir up a lot of emotions in me. Some times at was mad ( when Esteban Trueba was acting like AN ABSOLUTE PIG ), sometimes I wanted to cry, sometimes I smiled. At the end of the book, I was satisfied. Besides the TWs (which i understand had to happen for the story but still like :D ummm) the book was a really good read. It wasn't boring at all and it went at a well enough pace that you were always on the edge of your seat while not being overwhelmed with details. It's a raw, real book and i really liked and enjoyed reading it. My favorite character is definitely Alba. My least has got to be Esteban Garcia. Trueba is also not my favorite but at least he has ✨character development ✨