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isabellarobinson7's reviews
751 reviews
The City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty
Did not finish book. Stopped at 5%.
Did not finish book. Stopped at 5%.
DNF at page 30 (5%)
Rating: NA
Yeah, I barely gave this book a fair go at all. I know. But I have been slumpy lately, and have been warned (thank you Jonathan) that this is a very YA-feeling "adult" novel, and I just can't be bothered to give it much of a chance, especially when I need a really good book to bring me out of this almost-slump (it is an almost-slump. Being positive here. Or maybe I'm just living in denial. Oh well, that's consistent with my mental state anyways 🙃.)
Rating: NA
Yeah, I barely gave this book a fair go at all. I know. But I have been slumpy lately, and have been warned (thank you Jonathan) that this is a very YA-feeling "adult" novel, and I just can't be bothered to give it much of a chance, especially when I need a really good book to bring me out of this almost-slump (it is an almost-slump. Being positive here. Or maybe I'm just living in denial. Oh well, that's consistent with my mental state anyways 🙃.)
Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline
Did not finish book. Stopped at 26%.
Did not finish book. Stopped at 26%.
DNF at page 100 (26%)
Rating: 1 star
Yuck. Yuckyuckyuckyuckyuckyuckyuck. I was told it was going to be bad, but I thought it couldn't be as bad as they were all saying. Well, if you've heard the same thing, take this as confirmation: it really is as terrible as everyone says. I feel like those guys in the "just saw Cats" photo (if you haven't seen that masterpiece of a photo before here it is:)
I am all three of those guys. And I only got 100 pages in! I can only imagine how much worse it gets.
Around the 50ish page mark, I was spurred on just so I could have a definitive "Worst Book of 2021", but I couldn't manage it even for that. Yes, there are obvious flaws in the first book too, and I probably wouldn't rate it as high now as I did when I first read it (half the reason why I'm not rereading it any time soon), but this book was just... yuck. The characters were all over the place, the author ran out of ideas for a plot so just copy and pasted book one's plot, and making something "not YA" takes more than just a crap-ton of heavy handed sexual references! Like I don't care that there is a 50 person orgy in which you can virtually put yourself in all 50 people's (so to speak) shoes!! Was that detail really all that necessary!? No, let me rephrase that: IN WHAT GOD FORSAKEN WORLD IS A DETAIL LIKE THAT WARRANTED?! Because it sure ain't this one!
So after 100 pages of utter garbage I will never be able to remove from my mind, I am left with one question. Why. Yes, there's also ones like WHAT IN ALL THAT IS PURE AND HOLY MADE YOU WRITE THAT, but the one that dominates all the questions being shouted around my head is a simple why. Just why. As in wHY THE F-
Rating: 1 star
Yuck. Yuckyuckyuckyuckyuckyuckyuck. I was told it was going to be bad, but I thought it couldn't be as bad as they were all saying. Well, if you've heard the same thing, take this as confirmation: it really is as terrible as everyone says. I feel like those guys in the "just saw Cats" photo (if you haven't seen that masterpiece of a photo before here it is:)
I am all three of those guys. And I only got 100 pages in! I can only imagine how much worse it gets.
Around the 50ish page mark, I was spurred on just so I could have a definitive "Worst Book of 2021", but I couldn't manage it even for that. Yes, there are obvious flaws in the first book too, and I probably wouldn't rate it as high now as I did when I first read it (half the reason why I'm not rereading it any time soon), but this book was just... yuck. The characters were all over the place, the author ran out of ideas for a plot so just copy and pasted book one's plot, and making something "not YA" takes more than just a crap-ton of heavy handed sexual references! Like I don't care that there is a 50 person orgy in which you can virtually put yourself in all 50 people's (so to speak) shoes!! Was that detail really all that necessary!? No, let me rephrase that: IN WHAT GOD FORSAKEN WORLD IS A DETAIL LIKE THAT WARRANTED?! Because it sure ain't this one!
So after 100 pages of utter garbage I will never be able to remove from my mind, I am left with one question. Why. Yes, there's also ones like WHAT IN ALL THAT IS PURE AND HOLY MADE YOU WRITE THAT, but the one that dominates all the questions being shouted around my head is a simple why. Just why. As in wHY THE F-
The Ember Blade by Chris Wooding
Did not finish book. Stopped at 16%.
Did not finish book. Stopped at 16%.
DNF at page 131 (16%)
Rating: 2 stars
Alright, I'm just completely bored with this book. I'm sure it gets better and whatever, but I just cannot be bother reading ~700 more pages to finish it. Plus, I got this book not long before my country went into another brief covid lockdown, so I couldn't go to the library, but now we are pretty much all out (RIP Auckland) and I can go back. Oh, and I got a whole bunch of books in the mail so I'm good now.
Rating: 2 stars
Alright, I'm just completely bored with this book. I'm sure it gets better and whatever, but I just cannot be bother reading ~700 more pages to finish it. Plus, I got this book not long before my country went into another brief covid lockdown, so I couldn't go to the library, but now we are pretty much all out (RIP Auckland) and I can go back. Oh, and I got a whole bunch of books in the mail so I'm good now.
Beginnings by Mike Carlin
Did not finish book. Stopped at 12%.
Did not finish book. Stopped at 12%.
DNF at page 18 (11.84%)
Rating: NA
Nah. No please. Between the weird art style and all the blaring inaccuracies, I couldn't do it.
Rating: NA
Nah. No please. Between the weird art style and all the blaring inaccuracies, I couldn't do it.
The Bone Shard Daughter by Andrea Stewart
Did not finish book. Stopped at 3%.
Did not finish book. Stopped at 3%.
DNF at page 15 (3.02%)
Rating: NA
I gave this one a good try. I know, I know, it doesn't look like it. I only read 3%, but I truly persevered. In my opinion, anyway. I wasn't feeling it during the first chapter (which happened to include "I let out the breath I hadn't known I'd been holding" so not the best of signs), but I knew it was multi POV, so I flicked though to see how far I would have to read to get a taste of every perspective, just to make sure. I settled on the first six chapters. Then, as I was getting through those set chapters, I noticed in another flick through that there was another unique POV in chapter 19! I figured I was only reading chapters one through six to get see what each perspective had to offer, so blow me if I was going to read 150ish pages of something I wasn't enjoying just to say I gave it a good try. That's not to say it's a bad book. I didn't read nearly enough to constitute saying that. And I'm not at all opposed to attempting it some other time. Just not right now.
Rating: NA
I gave this one a good try. I know, I know, it doesn't look like it. I only read 3%, but I truly persevered. In my opinion, anyway. I wasn't feeling it during the first chapter (which happened to include "I let out the breath I hadn't known I'd been holding" so not the best of signs), but I knew it was multi POV, so I flicked though to see how far I would have to read to get a taste of every perspective, just to make sure. I settled on the first six chapters. Then, as I was getting through those set chapters, I noticed in another flick through that there was another unique POV in chapter 19! I figured I was only reading chapters one through six to get see what each perspective had to offer, so blow me if I was going to read 150ish pages of something I wasn't enjoying just to say I gave it a good try. That's not to say it's a bad book. I didn't read nearly enough to constitute saying that. And I'm not at all opposed to attempting it some other time. Just not right now.
She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan
Did not finish book. Stopped at 27%.
Did not finish book. Stopped at 27%.
DNF at page 148 (27.16%)
Rating: NA
I wanted to love this book, but I, as my notes say, "no like ghosty boys" and it seemed like that was going to be magic system. I know it is more than that, and I could probably look past it, but I honestly am not invested enough in the story to keep going.
Rating: NA
I wanted to love this book, but I, as my notes say, "no like ghosty boys" and it seemed like that was going to be magic system. I know it is more than that, and I could probably look past it, but I honestly am not invested enough in the story to keep going.
Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire
Did not finish book. Stopped at 53%.
Did not finish book. Stopped at 53%.
DNF at page 101 (57.39%)
Rating: NA
The beginning is cool, but then once the novelty of the premise wore off, I was bored and I didn't care. I know it is only a novella so it's really short, but I was doing the audiobook route and the platform I was using only enabled me to go up to 2x the speed (i.e. quite slow for me) and so at the time I stopped, I still had an hour to go at my speed and I just couldn't be bothered.
This is also my first DNF of 2023, and it is all the way in June. Huh. Almost half way through the year, and I am only just now ditching a book.
Rating: NA
The beginning is cool, but then once the novelty of the premise wore off, I was bored and I didn't care. I know it is only a novella so it's really short, but I was doing the audiobook route and the platform I was using only enabled me to go up to 2x the speed (i.e. quite slow for me) and so at the time I stopped, I still had an hour to go at my speed and I just couldn't be bothered.
This is also my first DNF of 2023, and it is all the way in June. Huh. Almost half way through the year, and I am only just now ditching a book.