irina_sky's reviews
229 reviews

Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren

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A wonderful book from my bright childhood!
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman by Laurence Sterne

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I've heard a lot about this book. So that when I started reading it, I expected it to be a really good thing. But frankly speaking I didn't enjoy it at all. I'd been waiting for some interesting moments till the end. But I hardly found any! Perhaps,my fault was that I didn't dare to read the book in original. I know that there are a lot of word games in English version, which can not be translated into any other languages. So that maybe some of Sterene's jokes weren't digested by me.
I didn't understand the idea of the book. I got used to the books with a well-structured plot without any philosophical digression. I know it's too shallow of me to do so but that's me!:)
Sterne's text is filled with allusions and references to the leading thinkers and writers of the 17th and 18th centuries like Pope, Locke, and Swift. And being not familiar with them it was hard to follow the writer's thoughts.
My favorite character though was Uncle Toby who resembles Don Quixote in many ways (and Don Quixote is one of my beloved protagonists in the whole literature).
I know it's a good book and all. And I have nobody to blame but myself and my taste in particular for not appreciating it...
Candide by Voltaire

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A brilliant heritage from the past.
I really enjoyed reading it! The book contains a lot of wisdom. The plot is easy to follow so it doesn't produce any difficulty to understand what is going on.
The Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole

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A beautiful piece of Gothic literature! It's not that terrifying but there is some subtle charm in the book. A castle, ghosts and spells....Oh..wonderful. Love, death and horror come together all at once. A MUST READ!
The Mist by Stephen King

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С этого начинается мое знакомство с Кингом.
Не так страшно, как я ожидала, но написано мастерски, просто погружаешься в ту атмосферу, попадаешь в тот полумрачный супермаркет с кишащими тварями снаружи.. Отдельное спасибо переводчику. Перевод прекрасный!
Le voile de la peur by Samia Shariff

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Книга, рассказывающая об ужасах жизни мусульманской девочки Самии. Родители ненавидели ее, считая дочь проклятием, посланным Аллахом. В 16 лет Самию насильно выдают замуж за религиозного фанатика, который каждый день в свое удовольствие избивает ее до полусмерти. Бедняжке никто не хочет помочь, так как у женщин в большинстве мусульманских стран нет никаких прав.
Эту книгу тяжело читать, страшно себе даже представить все эти зверства...