A decent book for writers that want to ease into the 12-week year. It’s not very different from the original 12-week year book but Ch 3-9 are the “meat” of the book while everything else is about getting you in the mindset. I appreciate seeing good real life examples on Ch 14-15
This was still an entertaining and colorful read but I felt bogged down by the many characters and side plots. I couldn’t remember or tells the difference between the pink and brown winged creatures, or who was the enemy vs not the enemy. It’s a comic but bc there are few words you have to discern these things by the illustrations and that wasn’t very helpful hence the 3 .75.
So fun to read . The story and illustrations are breathtaking, I was drawn in (lol, pun) the whole time. The plot twist at the end was interesting to say the least (hopefully it doesn’t make the story this cliche thing)
At long last I've gotten my hands on a Talia Hibbert book. Tiktok has plastered her books all over my feed, and after reading this one I can see why. TH is a talented writer who is making contemporary romcom books with black girls, for black girls. Unfortunately i did not fall in love with this book like i'd hoped and the first half was a struggle for reasons I'll get into. But First, the things I liked about it. Likes. #1 Liked the lgbtqia+ and the plus-sized black girl representation. #2 Liked that the male love interest is a POC, we don't often get interracial romances with a black woman and non-white POC! #3 Zaf was hands down the best written character #4 Liked the character growth and vulnerability between the characters.
Dislikes. #1 The "humor". Crass, cringey and unnecessary. Very much "let's insert joke about horny millennial woman and her uncooperative womanly parts". To be fair, the author--and story--is British so reading it from that perspective, it alllll started to make sense. #2 Danika was unlikeable and pretty shallow/ selfish as a character. She was well-educated and smart but literally couldn't get a clue on how to have basic decency and empathy for others. It was also hinted at that she was autistic but she's a woman of many labels and seemingly "undefined" all at once. I'll cut her some slack bc she did redeem herself in the end. #3 Not so much a heavy dislike, but I wish the fake relationship aspect was explored more. I feel like the author had no clue how to write about the mechanics of social media fame, or internet relationships and the plot died before it ever really begun (aside from the Radio interview, did they ever really need to "fake it"? Who were these random unnamed people taking photos of them at any turn?)
So overall this was a 3.5 for me, mainly because I didn't connect with the vibe of the book and 1/2 of the MCs, but book characters like Zaf and book relationships like BWMM or BWAM need to be written more! So cheers to this talented author. I hope there's more of her books to come.
This was cute and fun! I've always wondered what a children's thriller/horror novel with AfroCaribbean inspired elements would be like, and this didn't disappoint. I really enjoyed the author's use of AfroCaribbean folklore about 'Jumbies' to tell this story, and the kids/heroines of this story were so cute.