This was just okay. The writing was decent, and I liked the portrayal of the struggles of motherhood that we dove into in the beginning, but I guessed 100% of the twists from the first chapter and found the ending very lackluster.
This was way too much fun. There's definitely a TON of potentially triggering content in here regarding CSA, yet somehow it still has all of these ridiculously cute and hilarious rom-com elements. We love a good psycho who falls first 😏
✨ Representation: gay Mexican MC, gay MC, queer side characters, characters with psychopathy/sociopathy
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
This was a solid 5-star read for me until the ending. The last 5-10% was really rushed and kind of terrible, and almost dropped this to a 3-star rating. That said, I'm happy to have loved as much of the book as I did, especially given the fact that Josh Malerman's writing typically doesn't agree with me at all! I listened to the audiobook, which I know has received mixed responses based on the narrator, but I loved hearing little Bela's voice! Her innocence made the whole plot twice as creepy. Other Mommy skeeved me tf out and I even caught myself peeking over my shoulder a few times at night while reading this!