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howlinglibraries's reviews
1814 reviews
How to Flirt with a Hellhound by Shannon Mae
Okay, this was SO CUTE and I really need to continue this series and check out Shannon Mae's other work soon. Dex and Toby were adorable together and I genuinely enjoyed the mystery/thriller subplot! I love suspenseful rom-coms like this, where enough of the book is happy and cutesy that I can get invested in the worrisome events without ever having any doubt that the characters will get their HEA.
I'd 100% recommend this for Alice Winters fans (and it reminded me that I need to read more of her books too) as well as fans of Onley James' Necessary Evils series!
I'd 100% recommend this for Alice Winters fans (and it reminded me that I need to read more of her books too) as well as fans of Onley James' Necessary Evils series!
Slaying the Vampire Conqueror by Carissa Broadbent
I feel terrible admitting that this book took me a year to finish*, but that's definitely not the author's fault because I loved this! I hit a major fantasy slump for most of this year, but diving back into this book over the past few days has finally given me some hope that I might get back to my fantasy roots a little bit in 2025. 🥰
No, really. I started it on January 7 and finished it on December 30th.
No, really. I started it on January 7 and finished it on December 30th.
Sink Or Swim! (Batcat Book #2) by Meggie Ramm
Batcat wins again! I love this series. Batcat is so adorable and I love them so much. Their general grumpy attitude of wanting to be left alone with their video games, books, and snacks is SUCH a mood. The mermaids were a trip, too. I need more Batcat, please, Meggie Ramm!