I was struggling a lot when it came to reviewing this book.
Inevitably with a short story collection, I found it difficult to have an overall opinion because there were stories I found significantly more interesting than others and vice versa. Here of course there were stories that I connected with and stories I did not. I felt as though a lot of these stories were very surface-level and did not provide characters that were particularly fleshed out. It made it difficult to care for their well-being and the plots of some of the stories were not enough to hold the story on its own.
Despite that, there were absolutely stories where I connected deeply and was extremely invested. Easily that could have been a full-length novel. That brings me to my second and only other problem, the order. The order of stories in a collection is key in terms of gripping the reader and I felt as though in terms of themes and energy we went up and down and then down and up. It made It hard to have an overall opinion of the book
Overall, I would give it a go both if you have and haven't read his most famous book as I think there will be something in them for everyone.
For a short story, I was surprised that I got bored. The characters were not particularly likeable and I'm not sure that the author has been around kids because the way the two child characters acted seemed a little like a caricature. I didn't care what happened to them at all, especially the main character, I wasn't invested in her story at all.
I feel like the plot wise this story had a lot of potential but how abstract it was didn't help the story. I wish the supernatural elements were either there from the beginning or not in it at all.
Overall I just wasn't the biggest fan of this book at all, and sadly it's not something I would recommend.
Honestly I loved this book so much. It really told a unique and emotional story with such an interesting backdrop.
The characters were insanely developed and all felt so human. Obviously it was more of a character based book rather than plot based which helped a lot but even the massive plot points were written in such raw detail I was shook.
My only issue with this book is the pacing, I think it starts off quite slow and then speeds up and slows again. It took untill about midway through the book to meet one of the main characters and while I understand why this was done I felt that it was a little unnecessary.
Overall, I just loved this book so much. The emotions it put me through and the reflection of my own life that'll it is sure to give me long after today is immense and I would absolutely recommend it.
I had no idea what to expect going in because i went in blind but I never thought I'd love a book that is completely written in verse.
It is such a beautiful and raw story of family and so full of emotion. The characters were so complete and loveable, they truly felt so real even when they were doing things that I didn't necessarily agree with.
It's a quick and beautiful read that I would absolutely recommend.
I think that after reading the martian I expected more than this book could give me.
Despite that, I did really enjoy it. Especially once we got to about a third of the way through the book where the story takes a slightly different turn and we learn about the aliens. I especially liked how the aliens were described and how things such as language barriers and physiology are discussed and an issue in a realistic way.
The main things I didn't like revolve around the pacing and the first third of the book. I'm not a fan of dual timelines and while some of it added some needed twists and explanations, there were other sections which I felt were unnecessary and took away from the interesting bits that were happening at the current time. Some parts felt like repeats of other things and I believe that honestly had the book only been set in the current era it would have been a lot more interesting.
Overall I'm glad I read it and it gave me a lot to think about but with how good the martian is I'm not exactly sure I would recommend this as a book to read if you liked that.
This book asks the idea of what would happen if you could erase your memories and follows the journeys of people who have both had it done and those who facilitate that. I could never have guessed how this story went and the way it would make me squeal in delight and sigh in frustration.
For once I genuinely loved the characters, especially Emmet. I found myself really rooting for him and relating to the way that he thought and felt.
I think my biggest issue with this book was the pacing especially during part 2. It did change genres halfway through and I think going into that blind like I did is not the best idea because I did want yo stop part the way through part 2 but once that got going I could not put that book down. I was LOVING every minute and spent ungodly hours trying to wiz through.
Whole the ending felt a little stilted for me I did really like it. I like how rounded and realistic the story felt and the world and ethics that Collins created. I'm very happy that I read this book and I would absolutely recommend it.
I have so many thoughts like so many. First off this really dis not do what most sequals do and feel like filler. I feel like I got so much growth and depth from all of the characters and that we genuinely learnt a lot more about the world and what everyone is capable of.
On that vein the way that these characters were developed and have changed was done so so well. It was very much shown rather than told and it felt as though I was learning this by having actual conversations with them myself rather than reading about them which I loved.
The story kept me on edge the whole time. There was no way that I could predict what each character was going to do and for that reason I was OBSESSED with their actions. It made me finish this book a lot quicker than I originally expected.
Overall, I loved it. It gave me the same feels as the first one, did not feel like filler and I'm excited to see what happens in the next book.