graylodge_library's reviews
1462 reviews

Raven Black by Ann Cleeves

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An excerpt of this is one of the texts we work with in a translation course. Based on the first pages it looks promising.

Edit: Some really lovely passages and a great idea to have the point of view of multiple characters but the characters were thin. All in all a relaxing light read where the murderer was definitely not the one I expected to be. Wonderful twist.
Roots: The Saga of an American Family by Alex Haley

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I appreciate the author's research of his own roots and the overall message this book has. The problem I had with it was that the writing style was uninteresting. It wasn't bad but it made the characters too two-dimensional for me to enjoy the story overall. They were all empty and I couldn't cheer for them or feel for them. But I understand why the book is important to some and why it has the position it has, I just didn't notice the literary value it supposedly has. Plus the plagiarism accusations can't be good for an author's reputation and respect.
Kopiointia vai kommunikointia: Johdatus käännösteoriaan by Inkeri Vehmas-Lehto

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Copying or Communication: Introduction to Translation Theory
English Translation Studies
The Lives of the Muses: Nine Women and the Artists They Inspired by Francine Prose

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A quite superficial look on the concept of artist and muse. Quite repetitive and the constant use of brackets drove me nuts, didn't seem that professional.
Paholainen, noituus ja magia: Kristinuskon kääntöpuoli by Sari Katajala-Peltomaa, Raisa Maria Toivo

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The Devil, Witchcraft and Magic: The Reverse Side of Christianity (Imagery of evil in premodern Europe)
English Translation Studies