goldripred's reviews
128 reviews

The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende

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Really enjoyed how it charted the families trajectory over the years. Although it touched on some graphic things it started out quite light in the beginning. Towards the end it became so tragic in tone but I enjoyed the process of learning how the family ended up.
Haroun and the Sea of Stories by Salman Rushdie

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It was a fun, entertaining read. Quick to get through and had a great deal of colorful imagery.
The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov

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Pretty good! Had a lot of fun events and imagery. The beginning is a bit confusing and all over the place but by the later half the main characters are all introduced and the everything starts to make sense. Not much happens in the novel, its just random misadventures.
Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes

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Pretty good book about how intelligence can be a mixed blessing and how we depend on our worldview meshing with others to determine how close we get to them. I found it surprisingly deep despite not being that hard a read or outwardly philosophical. Was worth the time I took to read it.
How to Be Free: An Ancient Guide to the Stoic Life by Epictetus

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Bit short although it did contain a great deal of wisdom. Seemed a bit repetitive at some points. Main synopsis is to be unconcerned with things outside of your control and focus on those you can control. If someone can stop you from doing something then don't desire it.

Was a quick read that I finished in a day or two.