This was such a great short story collection. Some of my favourites were The Husband Stitch, Especially Heinous (I have never seen this done before, such an interesting format), and Difficult at Parties.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
What a unique story! I read this because it was my partner's pick for his favourite read of 2023 (were doing a podcast on each other's picks.. coming soon). I went in not really knowing what to expect and that was definitely the best way to approach this one. Will say more either on IG or the podcast at some point
Okay this book was definitely giving Barbie (movie) in a lot of ways. 1. It was an entertaining and interesting story that had something to say. 2. The social commentary was 100% right and told in an accessible way. 3. It was not made for people who already care about this stuff.
I'm not saying if you're educated on feminist and gender equality you won't like this book. It's a good book, but I was definitely left disappointed that it didn't take things a little further or hit a little harder. The potential was definitely there, but so were the cringy monologues.
I liked this one quite a bit, although parts of it were slow and other parts were too brief. Absolutely love the concept, the world building is interesting but so far leaves a lot to be desired. I read in the author's note or maybe the dedication at the beginning that Romans pov was a later addition to the book, and unfortunately that was very apparent as it felt like an afterthought most of the time. I know there's another book so that will hopefully be fixed a bit, but a lot of the stuff with his family and fiancee just like, abruptly ended off page which was confusing since we were getting his pov about it and then suddenly he was just with Iris and was like I called off the engagement like ok?? Where did that come from though.
So I do tend to focus on the negative when there's anything to say but there was definitely a lot to love about this book and I have hopes that the next book will fix some of the problems I had with this one.
This was a cute book, I really liked the concept behind it, of creating a fake boyfriend (based on a real person) and actually meeting/falling in love with him years later. I like romance books that are about moving on after the death of a spouse, idk why I guess because it's something that seems so awful it can be cathartic to read about people getting through it and coming out the other side. I also really liked Olivia and Rory's relationship with her. I do feel that the stuff with Rory's mom and just her overall growth as an individual could've been fleshed out a bit more but overall I enjoyed this book and would recommend it.
This was such a fantastic read! I've been a huge fan of the Monk and Robot series since I first read it and have been putting off reading the Wayfarers series way too long.
I loved how optimistic and happy this book was. There was conflict and bad things did happen, but there was a lot of hope and teamwork and supporting each other that was so lovely. We had such an interesting mix of characters, even the ones I didn't like at the start grew on me over time.
The format is interesting because there is an overarching plot for sure (they are taking the long way to a small angry planet, duh) but the chapters are fairly episodic. This was a great way to get to know all the characters and see their world... It's a pretty great one.
Would definitely recommend this to anyone who likes optimistic SciFi, space operas, and stories about found family.
This was a super cute, fun YA read. The romance was sweet, though not the main focus. It was definitely more coming of age and dealing with family issues which I liked. I wish we'd seen more resolved with Arya's mom, I just felt so sad for her but overall the book did wrap up well. I watch a lot of Bollywood movies so it was fun to see the references but it's definitely not required knowledge for enjoying the book.
Thanks so much to Netgalley and Wednesday books for the advanced copy
This book was truly hard to get through. It's not that I didn't like it I loved it but it was very slow. I was ready to DNF at 40% but I just kept thinking of how many people I know who loved it, so I pushed through and I have to say I'm so glad I did. It was very worth it.
Okay first of all this was not a Christmas book at all and as a Jew I'm really not complaining but it's kinda weird how not Christmasy it was based on the name and the cover.
It was definitely a lot better than the last Tessa Bailey Christmas book I read, so that's nice. Honestly I enjoyed this quite a bit, I usually do enjoy romcoms about celebrities it's a fun trope imo. Would that be considered a trope? Doesn't matter.
Anyways, I think the instalust was a little much, I get the connection they had I do but they were a little too obsessed with each other a little too fast. And there were a lot of weird things going on like they built this guys kink up to be so bad I was scared tbh but then it was really anticlimactic lol. They were supposedly being live streamed like 18 hours a day but it felt like they weren't unless it was convenient for the plot in that moment.
It's okay though because it was enjoyable and light hearted. But not a Christmas book don't let the name fool you. I liked the moms characters a lot.