ginniereads's reviews
273 reviews

The Compound Effect: Jumpstart Your Income, Your Life, Your Success by Darren Hardy

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This book is a great read. It's not about filling your head with schemes of getting rich, but instead it provides with the truth. The truth is you have to work hard no change habits in order to become successful in anything you do. This book provides some great tools to use so you can slowly transition into good habits. It's a great read for anyone that is looking to change certain things in their life. I would definitely recommend it.
Grave Sight by Charlaine Harris

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I give this 3 1/2 stars.

This was the first time reading a Charlaine Harris book and I can say I would definitely read more of her books. I liked her writing style and the plot was well written as well.

As for the story...
Harper is a girl with a limited paranormal ability to find dead people. She travels all over the country with her brother Tolliver. I guess I could say I had a love hate relationship with Harper. Maybe it was because it frustrated me that she is so dependent of her brother and at times she was a bit depressing. I did like when she wasn't so depressing and when she took charge of things. I also think her ability to find the dead was pretty cool. I also felt like I couldn't really bond with Harper and Tolliver because they would mention there past but wouldn't really get into much details so it left me feeling like I didn't know them that well. I feel this way only because there past has been brought up briefly a few times in the book.

I did figure out who the person was, but didn't know why. At first I thought it was one person then I started thinking no I think its this person. The motives for the murders was a surprise to me because I thought it was just because they didn't want them together, but then it turned out to be so much more. I would definitely recommend this book and I look forward to getting more into the series.
Guilty Pleasures by Kitty Thomas

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All I have to say is wow! This was my first time reading a dark erotica book and I loved it. I did get a bit annoyed with Vivian at first though she was so in denial of everything that she was allowing to happen. I guess she was using the black mail as an excuse, but in reality enjoyed every bit of what was going on. The end was just awesome I figured something like that was going to happen, but certain parts wouldn't make me think that that is what was going on. A definite recommended read! The end will blow you away!
Taming the Fire by Mechele Armstrong

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I give this one 4.5 stars!

I loved it... This was the first time reading a story about dragons. I am officially hooked. I found this plot very good. Callum and Byron's love for each other is beautiful. I also liked how they felt for Mira. The characters felt so realistic to me especially the way they felt for each other. I feel the thing that disappointed me was that it ended quick, but definitely a good quick read :)
Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K. Hamilton

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I gave this 3.5 stars.

I don't see what the big fuss was about this book I have read better with a lot more action in it. I am another person that wasn't quite fond of the stories beginning. I felt the beginning was quite boring and I actually wanted to give up on the book, but I kept saying to myself maybe it will get better and maybe it could just be this first installment bc I have read okay first installments of book, but then as you continue reading it gets better.

Ok I thought Anita was cool bc she is an animator, but as far as her character and personality I felt she was a bit annoying. Maybe it is bc she is self centered, always talking about her guns and how ppl are scared of her bc of it. It was fine at first, but then when she kept on as the story progressed I was like "Oh brother who cares." One character I am intrigued about and I want to know more on is Jean-Claude. He is a mystery to me and I want to know more about their relationship.

I will possibly read the next installment to see if it gets better, but I am a bit scared to as I have read reviews that say it is repetitious. I might just give myself a break from her book for now being that she did not exceed my expectations of her books. I guess I had high expectations from the start, due to so many people suggesting it and making her books a big deal. I probably would recommend this book, but with a warning behind it. With that said it wasn't the worst, but definitely not the BEST that people say it is.
Darkness Unbound by Keri Arthur

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This book was pretty good. It took a bit of time for me. I guess I wanted more action since I was told it was action filled. One thing I have to say is the end was crazy... I will be reading the next part.
Wicked Werewolf Night by Lisa Renee Jones

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Wow what a great story... it definitely left me wanting more! Loved the romanticness (if that's even a word lol) of it, the erotic scenes were great and very descriptive (believe me you will picture it in your mind), I loved the story and the characters. Great story I would definitely recommend it, although it was a short story. Lisa Renee Jones should definitely continue this story it was definitely a tease, but a rather enjoyable one! There's only one bad thing I have to say about it is that it gave you such a great story, but ended so abruptly it leaves you wanting more...
Blood Rights by Kristen Painter

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Very good book. Had a great plot to it and what I did enjoy about it is that it didn't end up like every paranormal romance ends where girl and vampire are together. Definitely action packed and the story behind it was great. Just when you thought it was one thing it then became another. Definitely would recommend the read :)
Evermore by Alyson Noël

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Well what can I say the book was okay... I gave it 3 1/2 stars

If you love Twilight then you will love this book minus the sparkly vampire (thank God). I felt at first that it took forever to get to the action I mean of course there is a reason for that. This book was quite typical the girl whose life changes dramatically because of whatever circumstances (in this case losing her family in a car accident). Then a mysterious new boy come to school and she gets these feelings inside and eventually she falls in love with him. Then there's the obsessed ex-girlfriend (another immortal) that she has to deal with and blah, blah, blah... She finds out the truth and they fall more in love and live happily ever after...

One thing I do like about Ever is that she has powers that she got after the car accident. She blocks it away by not touching people and wearing a hoodie, but I thought her powers was pretty cool maybe later she will know how to use them more.

Even though this book was okay I am going to read the 2nd installment because at time for some authors they start off a bit weak, but then the rest of the series gets better. I would recommend this book if you like Twilight and if you like your average typical PNR. The reason I read it is because the synopsis sounded good, the reviews was convincing, and I wanted to give the book and author a try although the reviews on here was pretty bad. I didn't think the book was bad, but it could've been better and maybe a little more surprising than being a typical story.