gigizerlotti's reviews
77 reviews

The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood

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got me out of the biggest reading rut to date so that’s something. absolutely adore atwood’s connection to history and digestible writing. 
Alone With You in the Ether by Olivie Blake

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not for me. thought the ideas were fantastic but executed in a rambly, self-righteous way that made it hard to connect with. couldn’t care about the love story that came seemingly out of nowhere and physically cringed at some parts. i feel like this book couldn’t decide whether to put its focus on romance or academia and ended up feeling like a wattpad wishy washy version of the two. i don’t know. 

that being said, great acknowledgements. the character of reagan was very compelling and blake’s intentions with her were clear, but when it came to putting that together with aldo it just fell flat. honestly think this might’ve been better if it had just been reagan’s perspective.

i think i’m just disappointed because i saw its potential. the first page had me hooked but again, it just wasn’t for me.
Night by Elie Wiesel

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read it so long ago but remember this being the first book that ever made me cry. introduced me to the power of literature and i’m due for a reread 
Rosemary's Baby by Ira Levin

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dark mysterious tense


could not put this book down. doesn’t reinvent the wheel, just tells a horrifying gripping story in a magnificent way. makes me want to read more of the genre. 
Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin

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dark emotional reflective sad slow-paced


a slow decent into emotional isolation, both profound and raw, quiet and subtle. opens up the scars of loneliness and guilt. some of the most beautiful writing i’ve experienced, a fictional time capsule i feel i’ve lived and breathed in.

exhibit a:
“paris is old, is many centuries. you feel, in paris, all the time gone by. that isn’t what you feel in new york-

what do you feel in new york?

perhaps you feel all the time to come.”

aside from incredibly vivid descriptions, the attention to the complexities and dimensions of each character is impeccable. i could say a million things about this but the main point is that james baldwin understands and beautifully exemplifies the art of literature with this piece of writing.
American Primitive by Mary Oliver

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inspiring reflective


some of the most vivid, delightful, and moving poems i’ve ever read. only mary oliver can outdo mary oliver. i truly didn’t think i could love a poetry collection more than dream work but here it is. 

- the kitten 
- lightning
- in the pinewoods, crows and owl 
- fall song
- first snow
- vultures
- humpbacks
- the roses
- the sea
- music 
- the honey tree
- in blackwater woods 
- the gardens
Adega Imaginária by Armindo Trevisan

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hopeful inspiring reflective


The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

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adventurous emotional
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


he is half of my soul, as the poets say.
Sleepwalking by Meg Wolitzer

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dark emotional


grief and its many forms