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fulgheri's reviews
663 reviews
Di rabbia e di vento by Alessandro Robecchi
Troppi sbirri, tutti uguali, e troppo poco Monterossi.
Avessi cercato un poliziesco "duro" (e questo è solo lungo e noioso) sarei andato sul vicequestore Rocco Schiavone.
Avessi cercato un poliziesco "duro" (e questo è solo lungo e noioso) sarei andato sul vicequestore Rocco Schiavone.
The Book of Death by
A bit less fun than the third volume, it's still a great book. A fitting goodbye to the Bourbon Kid…
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
One of those terrible meta-novels, with pages-long footnotes.
It reminds me very much of David Foster Wallace (also unreadable).
It reminds me very much of David Foster Wallace (also unreadable).
Steampunk III: Steampunk Revolution by
Painfully dull and boring. It's got nothing to do with Steampunk. Like AT ALL.
Maybe Vandermeer should think more about establishing a genre rather than revolutionize something that isn't quite there yet to begin with.
Steer clear of this, steam freaks! Volume 1 was pretty good. 2 was pretty bad. 3 is ridiculous.
Maybe Vandermeer should think more about establishing a genre rather than revolutionize something that isn't quite there yet to begin with.
Steer clear of this, steam freaks! Volume 1 was pretty good. 2 was pretty bad. 3 is ridiculous.
The Difference Engine by William Gibson, Bruce Sterling
Dull and boring beyond belief.
And I really hate Gibson's style.
And I really hate Gibson's style.