frootjoos's reviews
1040 reviews

Rodrick Rules by Jeff Kinney

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Greg learns to play D&D (or M&M, as it's called Magick & Monsters in the world of Jeff Kinney). As good as the first. Long live the Wimp!
The Swan Kingdom by Zoƫ Marriott

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Hey! Not bad, actually. A YA retelling of the folktale, The Wild Swans, [book: The Swan Kingdom] is definitely a no-no for Suehunters. But for those of us who have decided to put the Mary Sue classification out of our minds forever, it's a highly enjoyable fairytale romance.

[book: Poison Study] lovers will recognize similar elements, mainly the spunky, tough-as-nails heroine thrown into dire circumstances who uses her noggin, survival skills, and powers she never knew she possessed, in order to save her skin and the kingdom too.

There are a couple of places where the action gets confusing (or it may have just been me getting confused while trying not to fall asleep at 2 am), and there is a tendency towards taking itself too seriously, but otherwise this is a pretty darn good first novel.
The Dirty Cowboy by Amy Timberlake, Adam Rex

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I love Adam Rex. I didn't think I'd like the story but it was pretty cool and the art is, too!
Wildwood Dancing by Juliet Marillier

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You know, I wasn't expecting to like this book, but I did. A nice surprise. And I think I will check out Marillier's adult books too.

More when YABC meets and discusses the book.
Secrets of the Cicada Summer by Andrea Beaty

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This was a good, easy read, which I would recommend for ages 8 and above. Great to read with a parent, and lots to talk about.