fatherroderick's reviews
596 reviews

QBQ! the Question Behind the Question: Practicing Personal Accountability at Work and in Life by John G. Miller

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The core message of this book is simple: instead of thinking that you are a victim of circumstances or other people's actions, take ownership of your life and ask yourself what you can do to improve the situation. Tons of examples helped me recognize these principles in certain areas of my own life.
Kweekvlees, fake vlees en pizza's uit de printer by Sebastiaan van de Water

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Very informative and interesting book about current and future trends in food production. Easy read.
Veranderen voor luie mensen by Ayca Szapora, Paul Smit

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Super interesting book about how your brain reacts to change with a lazy, reductive conclusion: there is no "I", just "energy". Where most of the book relies on neurosciences to make its case (and that's where the book excels), it ends in reducing us to our neurological activity. Just 'go with the flow' seems to be the advice . The ability we have to act on moral values, to sacrifice ourselves for others, to feel a moral responsibility towards others: nothing truly matters anymore if you abandon the notion of free will and of the self. Extra disappointing when one of the two authors is a philosopher.
The Gunslinger by Stephen King

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I did not enjoy this book at all. Uninteresting characters, a bleak world, a weird plot. I'm probably missing the point, but I have no clue why so many people rave about this series...