A more optimistic version of The Stand, with magic and Fae lore. Just a bit too much Christianity, even though the leads are “witches.” Right down to the chosen one, magical pregnancy.
Very white middle class take on an apocalypse. Beautiful writing, compelling storytelling with a fairly even steady pace. Great character work, even for small appearances.
The romance is pretty schmaltzy, though maybe because the main relationship is already establish when the story begins. The other relationships are brief background stuff, blink and you’ll miss it.
Over all a decent read, but not interesting enough to get me to read the rest of the series.
I recommend it to fans of The Stand, The Walking Dead and The Strain who are looking for something with a more optimistic view of the death of the old world and birth of the new.
Graphic: Animal death, Child death, Gun violence, Mental illness, Rape, Sexual assault, Suicide, Violence, Xenophobia, Vomit, Death of parent, Pregnancy, Sexual harassment, and Pandemic/Epidemic
Another great example of why I’m deeply uncomfortable with white people writing about colonialism and/or slavery in fantasy. This feels a lot like oppression tourism.
I have thoughts, mostly about the marketing and reception of the book.
TLDR it’s clunky at times, undercooked, and unpolished, but manages to get it legs underneath it after around 30% and becomes an entertaining (white straight) New Adult Romantic Military Fantasy.
I’d recommend this to fans of YA looking for something a little more brutal (violent action) with open door sex scenes. Basically New Adult. And this might also be a great entry point into fantasy for those who might be intimidated by the big name Fantasy series.
Overall, I don’t think it’s as fantastic or terrible as people are saying. It’s just okay. *shrug*
Graphic: Animal death, Bullying, Child death, Death, Drug use, Emotional abuse, Sexual content, Violence, Vomit, and War
Moderate: Grief and Death of parent
Military propaganda that’s clumsily challenging at the very end. The world the character lives in has the features of an imperialism, but functions like a military dictatorship. While it has a lot of diversity in the characters, especially the normalization of sign language, it feels incongruent with the structure of the government and way the society so willing accepts the death of countless young people for not being “strong enough” to survive training.