eyreibreathe's reviews
369 reviews

Lock Every Door by Riley Sager

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Lock Every Door had a more gothic atmosphere to it than Sager's previous books. It was reminiscent of Rosemary's Baby, as others have mentioned. While I did enjoy the book, it wasn't as fast-paced and suspenseful as Final Girls and The Last Time I Lied.
The Friend by Teresa Driscoll

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4 1/2 stars for a super fun read! This is exactly the kind of suspense I love - a domestic, psychological thriller. It was fun watching "the friend" morph from your normal, everyday gal pal into someone truly disturbing. This book had a delicious slow crescendo, and I was unable to put it down as the story gathered speed in creepiness and suspense. I enjoyed all the different kinds of characters and their eccentricities. I also loved the charming English countryside setting as it provided an interesting contrast with the chilling mystery.
Where the Forest Meets the Stars by Glendy Vanderah

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4 1/2 stars!

What an amazing debut novel! This book was rich in its characters, emotion, and description. All the feels!
Never Have I Ever by Joshilyn Jackson

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Exotic, mysterious, and charismatic, Angelica Roux breezes into their book club meeting one night and brazenly takes control. Most of the ladies see her as a breath of fresh air, an alluring change from the humdrum of everyday suburban life.  She starts up the game, and the women fall in...laughing, bewitched "It's a blast.  You should play.  It's like Never Have I Ever, but for grown-ups.  We skip the coy denials and go right to confession...." But for Amy Whey, Roux is a threat. And her game is anything but a game.  Because Amy has a secret, one that threatens to bring her world crashing down if brought to light.  Somehow the mysterious Roux seems to know her terrible truth and will stop at nothing to reveal it.  Thus begins the cat and mouse game in Joshilyn Jackson's latest book Never Have I Ever.
Oh, how I loved this book!  It had a wonderfully tense atmosphere to it...two strong female characters, circling each other, sizing each other up, preparing to pounce.  It made for such a fun read.  I found myself biting my nails, wondering who would "win". And the twists!  Just when I thought I couldn't be taken by surprise again, another twist would come along, and I would gasp aloud (much to the amusement of my fellow beach-goers I'm sure). This book kept me hooked, and I found myself thinking about it even when I wasn't reading.  This was a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ for me.  Thank you, Netgalley, for this ah-mazing ARC! -
The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket

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I chose this as a read-aloud for my kids, ages 8 and 11. We all loved it, and I found myself wanting to continue the series- as in, I'd want to continue with it by myself even if my kids didn't want to continue it as a read-aloud (which they do). Lemony Snicket has THE BEST sense of humor, and his writing style is perfection. We're all looking forward to diving into book 2!
What Rose Forgot by Nevada Barr

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When she awakens in the forest, Rose is not merely confused.  She's in a complete fog.  Where is she?  How did she get there?  What's going on?  She soon learns that she has been committed to the Alzheimer's unit of a nursing home and is not expected to make it through the week.  But Rose is convinced she doesn't belong there and with her life at stake, she will stop at nothing to break free.  

This was my first Nevada Barr book, and  I'll definitely be looking up more books written by her.  I did struggle a bit in the beginning because it was a little disorienting as I experienced the fog of confusion right alongside Rose while she tried to piece together where she was, how she got there, and all the details of what's going on around her.  Once past that, though, things really took off, and I was whisked away on a fun ride with a feisty old lady who is bound and determined to break out of the nursing home.  I loved the zany characters in this book, especially Rose.  She reminded me of Miss Marple with one part James Bond mixed in.  I can only hope I'm that spunky someday.  There were many laugh-out-loud moments, which I admittedly found a little over-the-top at times, but it made for a fun mystery.  This was a ⭐⭐⭐⭐ for me.
I Will Make You Pay by Teresa Driscoll

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The threats come every Wednesday like clockwork. It started with a phone call, but it seems to be escalating, and now reporter Alice is beginning to wonder if these threats are not against the paper she works for...but against her personally.  She doesn't feel safe anywhere, always feeling as if the eyes of her stalker are on her; and as the threats become more personal, she worries her loved ones may be in danger, too.  

I was thrilled to receive this Netgalley ARC of I Will Make You Pay, by Teresa Driscoll. I was a huge fan of her books I am Watching You and The Friend, both 5-star reads for me, so getting my hands on this was a treat.   Driscoll has impressed me in the past with her talent of weaving domestic thrillers - of creating characters who at first glance appear to be your average, everyday person, but who slowly morph into something altogether creepy.  I didn't quite connect to this book as much as I did with her previous books, and I was a bit disappointed with the ending. However, I did still find this to be a compulsive read.  I had a mounting sense of doom as I watched the threats to Alice become increasingly threatening. There were plenty of twists and turns, and I kept finding myself scrutinizing every character, trying to predict the "whodunnit".  No one seemed safe, and that made the book all the more gripping. Overall, this was a ⭐⭐⭐⭐ read for me.