I thought the beginning was a little slow (maybe because I had JUST read Daisy Jones which is lightning fast) but I’m SO glad I stuck with it because the second half was perfect and made me cry!!
I devoured this book so fast! The interview format was very cool and kept the story moving at lightning speed. Camila and Warren were my favorite characters, she was so wise and sure of herself and Warren was so funny and unproblematic.
The author reveal at the end felt a lot like the end of Evelyn Hugo, a random unnecessary twist that no one asked for, and the letter from Camila telling her daughters to tell Billy to call Daisy felt very How I Met Your Mother finale but hey, I still had a good time reading the rest of the book
I loved the first page, found the rest of the first half a bit less entertaining, but I enjoyed the second half which focuses more on her relationship with her best friend Farly. I did laugh out loud a few times and found the ultimate takeaways very sweet.
It was gonna be 3 stars because it was so slow but the incest knocked it down to 1. The twists were fairly predictable and the writing was so repetitive it could’ve been half the length. Instead of moving the plot forward the main character just kept changing locations. I regret reading this.
I read it the fastest so I think that makes it my favorite book of the series so far. It bothered me that half the time, someone’s reaction to surprising information was “they blinked” and that Feyre can’t actually perceive anything, she has to say “I could have sworn I saw ___” instead of just “I saw.” Other than the repetitiveness of the writing the story was entertaining. I really liked that none of the main characters die. They ALL get to live happily ever after. That was nice!
I’ve read so much hate for this book online but idc! It was fun and fast and even though it was a tad repetitive, I have some plot questions how did Guy hack into her Twitter account?? How did he know she was WWMD in the first place?? She says she’d never use Twitter on a work computer and then 3 pages later Guy says her Twitter was on her computer?? Huh??? , and it is the same story as Love Hypothesis in many ways, I still enjoyed it a lot!
main guy was such an entitled weirdo I had no interest in seeing his arc / an explanation of why he thought it was ok to show up barefoot and drunk inside a stranger’s house with her kids
This book was delightful. It did make me wonder how toxic academia is in real life, and it had the occasional questionable line. But mostly it was very sweet and funny.