etienne02's reviews
4882 reviews

My First Guitar: Tales of True Love and Lost Chords from 70 Legendary Musicians by Julia Crowe, Andy Summers

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First of all thank to goodreads for giving me a free copy of this book!

This is a really good book that every fan of music and especially guitar should have. The theme is simple, great guitarist from various style and time, jazz to rock, fiftys to 2000s, that tell us about their first guitar. The author have been able to really rewrite the interview so that we feel the emotion and the passion of those guys talking about something that have and still do take a lot of place in their live. This is a must have book. Cause everyone like story tell by passionate people, and even if youre not a big fan of music, you will certainly know some of them in the more thant fifty guitarist presented in the book, like the guy who talk about a big big guitarist... His name was Elvis... But i can remember his last name maybe you heard of it! :p
Silhouette by Dave Swavely

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This is a story about crime and corruption in a near future. The story itself his not so bad and should deserve a four star, but because of some lementa, i only give it a threes. First reason, the story start to slow in my opinion, i began to really feel it only about the page 125-140 in a book tht have 260 page way too long to start. Second, this story have a lot of cliche and stereotypes that i will not tell to net apoiled the ending but thwir is quite a lot, and the ending, that is good, but actually previsible. So not a bad book that deserve to be read if you re a fan of the genre, but a story that probably wont become a classic because it actually doest bring anything new!
Les Arcanes du chaos by Maxime Chattam

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Excellent livre! Deux jeunes gens sont forces d'entrer dans un monde de complot et d'egnimes qu'ils n'auraient jamais pu imaginer, bien que cela fasse parti de leur monde depuis toujours. Plusieurs liens interessants avec de vrais complots historiques et des faits reels! Fin incroyable! Tres bon livre! Je le recommande a tous!
Predateurs by Maxime Chattam

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Excellent livre! L'aventure se déroule dans une guerre où l'on suit de près la police millitaire qui enquete sur une serie de crime commis au sein de l'armée. Bon personnage, fin imprévisible, meme si on croit quel l'est à un certain moment et bonne réfléction sur le Mal et les êtres humains. Très bon roman que je recommande à tous!!
Night's Child by Cate Tiernan

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One of the good book of the serie, more action than the others, but still not a great book for a very not great serie. Even if their is more action the story is still too slow, too long, a lot more thant the others books, and to concentrate about love. I read it only to be done with this serie, and even with some good surprise from time to time, very average. I recommend reading it only if you have read the other and survive it.
La Théorie Gaïa by Maxime Chattam

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Un bon livre, bien que le moins bon du cylce, j'ai trouvé l'histoire un peu vague, comme si elle n'allait nul part malgré ses concepts forts intéressants sur l'évolution et la fin de l'homme. J'ai eu également plus de mal à m'attacher aux personnages que dans les précédents tomes. Cela demeure tout de même un bon roman, mais après les deux premeirs de la série que j'ai trouvés vraiment excellents, mes attentes étaients très élevées et j'avoue avoir été légèrement déçu.
Quinze minutes by Patrick Senécal

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Tres bon livre encore une fois de Patrick Senécal! Cynique et original,il présente un personnage intéressant qui tout au long du livre est amené à se remettre en question pour cheminer dans sa propre vie. J'ai bien aimé également les différents personnages androgynes qui lui rendent visite. Ce roman fait parti d'un concept fort intéressant, celui de l'Orphéon, j'ai bien hate de lire les quatres autres romans de la série.
Je le recommande à tout le monde!
The Walking Dead, Vol. 1: Days Gone Bye by Robert Kirkman

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Very good graphic novel, the story is amazing, their is some difference between the serie and the graphic novel, so even if you have seen the tv serie before, it's worth reading the book. The graphic are also amazing even if there are in black and white. Definetly a great graphic novel about zombie and survival in extreme condition, with a lot of psychology in the evolution of the characters. Recommended to everyone!!
Chasers by James Phelan

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Thank to goodreads for giving me a free copy of that book.

This is a survival story, zombie-like, except that the zombie are after water, not brain, or every other liquide (blood as well) to drink. The story is very good and the characters are well design even if they have a tendancie to bend near stereotypes. The only reason that i din't give it a five stars, because it was close, it's beause the story and the ending are preditable and doesn't really bring anything new to the genre, i think that a little more action could also have help.

Still a very good book that i recommend without hesitation to every zombie-survival fan!!
Le livre du voyage by Bernard Werber

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Bon livre, très original. un livre qui nous propose littéralement un voyage dans le ciel, dans nous-même jusqu'au limite de l'univers. Intéressant et philosophique. Une méditation sous format de poche!!