Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
This book was a good quick read! It touches upon some important social commentary while also discussing heavy topics in a way that is friendly for younger readers to digest. A POC, trans, neurodivergent protagonist tackling the issue of abuse and protecting their friend. It reads more middle grade in terms of writing rather than YA, but given the triggers it mentions, I don’t know if it’s appropriate for middle grade kids. Nonetheless, was a good book and I enjoyed how it tackled heavy topics & was inclusive!
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
While this book’s writing was kinda sloppy, I rate off vibes & enjoyment! I had so much fun reading this book & I could not put it down. Yes, there were many plot holes. Yes, there was way too much info dumping for a third book in a series. But I still ate it up
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
I am in between 3.75 & 4 stars for this book but I’ll be generous & go with 4. I liked the plot of this book but it was far too slow with too many unnecessary scenes for it to be anything higher than a 4. The end was a fun surprise but wasn’t enough to redeem the book. I also didn’t like Bryce as much in this book as she came off bratty at times, which is a shame because I really liked her character in book 1. Book 1 should’ve been a standalone imo, that would’ve been perfect.
Many people argue that the start of this book was too slow, but I fully disagree. The build up given in the first half of the book was very necessary for all that happened in the last half of the book to be as impactful as it was. I love the representation of mental illness/poor mental health/grief, the timeline for the romance felt realistic, & overall I loved the characters. This book really struck a chord in me. I loved it.
This book was easily the best in the trilogy!!! It was much faster paced & engaging than the first two. While I still didn’t really like the main character, I adored all of the others. I finished this book so quickly. Great if you liked six of crows
The beginning was a little slow & I don’t really love the main character but the story quickly picked up towards the end and I couldn’t put it down. Similarly to the first book, lots of plot twists, some predictable, some not.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
First half of the book was a little bit slower to get into, but I flew through the second half. Once you get to that point, the story really starts to pick up. Lots of plot twists, some predictable, some not. Can’t wait to read the next book!
I don’t know how I keep reading these books. Like nothing happens in these books until the last 100 pages. The same thing happens in every book. I swear the authors forgot about the plot the whole book until the last 100 pages
I actually don’t know why I keep reading these books. They’re awful. I don’t even think the authors remember the plot they had created as they continue writing. There are so many plot holes and literally nothing happened in this nearly 700 page book until the last 100 pages. The entire book had literally no plot except school kid drama with a splash of magic. Yet I still can’t stop reading these books idk why