enchantedfiction's reviews
210 reviews

A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas

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Sarah J Maas is an exquisite writer and made me change my feelings about the characters throughout the book. Her descriptions are strong and vivid, and I would highly recommend ACOTAR and ACOMAF to anyone who loves fantasy and beautiful settings and characters!
The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black

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I had higher expectations for this book. The plot was pretty shallow and I wasn't surprised by much. I wish there had been more depth to this book because I think it would have added a lot to the story. There was a lot of potential for this one, but it felt a little rushed and the ending was very anticlimactic. I was excited to read another Holly Black book because her stuff was some of the first YA books that I remember liking, but this one fell a little flat for me. I really wanted to like it!
Matched by Ally Condie

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If you're looking for a Utopian/dystonia book, this is the one for you!! Ally Condie does a wonderful job creating a world that is a plausible future with a goal for bettering the Society. I have been wanting to read a book more like this after the last few I have read, so this was a nice and welcomed change of pace for me. I was a little weary at the beginning because it just seemed like the perfect world where nothing could really go wrong, because everything was so planned out, and everyone was playing by the Society's rules. But Condie gives us a main character, Cassia, who becomes more interested in what she wants instead of what the Society has planned out for her. The last (about) 175 pages is what had me hooked, and has made me excited for the second book, Crossed.
Crossed by Ally Condie

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Crossed is a great edition to Matched! I don't want to give away too much for those that haven't read the first one, but I really liked the split perspectives chapter by chapter. Although at the end I was hoping it would go back to just being Cassia's perspective, I really did enjoy seeing things from someone else's POV. I would recommend this series to anyone who likes dystopian type novels where the main character rebels against what the norm is, even if it begins in a small way.
Reached by Ally Condie

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Reached is a great last installment for the Matched trilogy. The multiple perspectives really help get all of the different angles of what is going on throughout the entire world created by Condie. It is a very realistic type world for a future after global warming hits hard. I felt for the characters (one in particular but I won't say who :P) even though I wasn't sure how much time was passing during part of this story, I could tell that the characters were growing and changing. I am very glad that I finally picked up this series and read it!
Passenger by Alexandra Bracken

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Passenger is a tale of adventure through time. I really enjoyed the concept of the book, but I just couldn't get myself really excited about it. I really wanted to love it because I loved Bracken's first trilogy, The Darkest Minds. I don't know if it was just me, but I couldn't seem to focus on what was going on for most of the middle. But by the end, with the cliffhanger that leaves you wanting more, I know I will be also be reading Wayfarer. I'm hoping it was one of those books that sets up for a very exciting sequel!
A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab

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Holy moly this book! I absolutely LOVED it! V.E. Schwab does a marvelous job at creating a world, or worlds, that are captivating. Her characters aren't cliche or boring, they have just the right amount of right and wrong about them to make them relatable. The multiple POVs throughout the story also let you know what's going on beyond the two main characters, which I also thoroughly enjoyed. I am excited to get my hands on A Gathering Of Shadows and continue the series!
The 100 by Kass Morgan

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I had started watching the show, The 100, before I even knew it was a book series. When I found out that it was, I knew I had to get my hands on it!
Although the book series is vastly different from the show, I feel like I can differentiate the two and respect them in different ways. I actually really enjoyed picking out the differences between book and show as I was reading, and have kept a list of them! I feel like I may like some of the book characters better than the show characters, but am kind of disappointed that some of the characters I love in the show haven't made an appearance (yet???). I have already started The 100: Day 21 and am excited to continue on the journey!
Day 21 by Kass Morgan

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Day 21 (The 100) is a good sequel to the first book, The 100. The Colonists are faced with the realization that they are not alone, and not all Earthborn people are welcoming.
This being said, I keep wanting the action of the show to come into the book, and it just hasn't happened yet. I am a bit disappointed by this, but I knew that it was going to be different. I have found that there is slow character development in the book, but quick character development in the show. There is beautiful detail of what a post nuclear Earth would look like in the book, where the show lacks this detail. I do really enjoy the books even if I am missing the action I was used to by watching the show first. I will be starting Homecoming now!!
Homecoming by Kass Morgan

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Homecoming continues the story of the 100 teenagers who fell to Earth. Other Colonists from the spaceship have come to live on Earth as the Colony has had a breach in the airlock system and there wasn't much time for them to survive on it. I had high hopes for this book because it seemed like more action was going to happen, but the ending seemed rushed and like things didn't quite add up. There were also some issues I had with oversights that were made at certain points in the book and then brought up and explained all in one sentence instead of having been brought up earlier and then resolved at the point of relevance. I don't want to give away any spoilers or anything, so I won't say what points these are, but I felt a little disappointed in this book. I have been very interested in the show, so the action to that compared to the action in this is better, as the book action seems rushed and resolved without much effort. I will still be reading The 100: Rebellion to finish out what is available for the series.