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emilymahar's reviews
483 reviews

Larkstorm by Dawn Rae Miller

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The first thing that I thoughts of when I read the synopsis for this book was “Matched and Delirium plus magic.” That’s one of the things that I love about YA Dystopians – all of them consist of the same bases, but each author adds something to it to make it unique to them. Larkstorm was much like this. It consisted of controlling and overpowering governments, in this case, the State. Of course it had an adorable romance. But then there was a twist, magic. Most dystopians that I have read haven’t incorporated magic into the story. But I wouldn’t really call this just plain old fantasy.

Beck is, well let’s just say, AMAZING! And Lark is pretty cool herself. The two of them were a great couple throughout the book. They were always thinking of each other, wherever and whenever. I felt bad for the two of them sometimes while they were at Summer Hill, having to stay away from each other but yet still being so close.

I stayed up late finishing this one, and that’s saying something because I normally go to be early! I really enjoyed this and it was a wonderful, quick read!
Billy the Kid and the Vampyres of Vegas by Michael Scott

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4/5 stars
Before I started reading this book, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect of it. But, I knew from the very time that I had heard about this that I wanted to read it. The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel Series is one of my favorites and I was interested in learning more about the characters. When I started reading, I wasn’t even really sure what the book was totally going to be about, so I was very interested to find out!
From the very beginning of the book you see a different side of Billy the Kid, when he is talking about his immortality. He seems almost like a different character in this book than in the main series, which I liked. I liked how Scathnach and Billy have an adventure together just a short time after meeting. I also really enjoyed the action between Billy, Scathnach and the vampyres of Vegas. This made it seem even more like a part of the series.
When Scathnach finally finds who she is looking for, (I won’t say who!), was when I really started to enjoy the book. If only it were longer! There was so much more that I would love to know about the two, and what happened earlier to get to this point.
Overall, I really enjoyed this eBook! I could get used to reading lots of these to pass the time while waiting for the next book in the series.