Let me preface this by saying: Billionaire Romance is not my thing.
However, my sister got this book and I had it available through KU so I was like heck let's try one of the spicy books she reads. And tbh, I was pretty sure that I'd not get far in this book and end up swiftly DNFing it. So imagine my surprise when I basically read this almost 400 page book in 3 days and had s good time with it. In the beginning, I was positive that Dante was going to be the reason I stopped reading this book. I am not into Romances where one love interest is a jerk to the other even if there's some hidden reason you can't tell them. Yet, Dante definitely left me surprised in the best way. I also found that I really likes Vivian as a character and enjoyed the story elements in regards to her family too. Dante and Vivian were a delight together. I do wish we'd have gotten more siblin g moments with Luca and Dante or Vivian and Agnes, and really wished we'd gotten more of the adorable Dante we started seeing around 80% into the book, but I did enjoy this far more than I thought I would. It was a good time.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
This book is marketed as horror, and there are parts that definitely left me feeling a little scared at first. Except then it becomes something altogether and different. The thing that should scare you isn't what you should be scared of essentially. Always love it if it is done well and the possibility was there just wasn't delivered upon in the end. I liked Abitha a lot and the other main character a good deal; found the story fascinating enough to continue reading after the book turned out not to be what I was hoping for when I picked it up. I even found the side characters interesting.
However, the story moves so slow and the satisfaction I was hoping to find in this new possible story presented was short-lived as it turned into the usual predictable story. It was at least going to be a 3 or 3.5 star book though until the blatant ableism right at the end. Literal magic in this book, used multiple times throughout to do amazing things, and then we get to this part and just. . . it was insulting and offensive so now it's a 2 star book and I don't know if I'll pick up another book from this author anytime soon.
CW Ableism details: magic used to make corn sprout from the dirt, to make bees mass produce honey, to make them fly at one point on a broom. . . And instead of healing her damaged legs, makes a comment about living as a cripple the rest of her days and she shudders at the idea. Her reaction is even worse considering that her husband was disabled. . . Nevermind she could have all sorts of options with literal magic at her fingertips too even if her legs weren't fully healed. Just so offensive and exhausting at this point to see this attitude presented.
These comics are such a delight for me. I've been reading them for years, even before they started being put into books, as they always made me smile. Though the bigger reason is it's so relatable to how my partner and I are in our relationship. In the drawings and stories told on each page, I see us and it brings warmth to my heart. I know that sounds cheesy, but I don't care one bit. While reading this particular book? I did just like any others and showed him the comics that made me go "omg" the most in how they could've been us on the page instead. And I think that's what makes these comics so wonderful. I'm glad to add another one to my read books list and can't wait for more.
Wow. I was not expecting this book to be so powerful. It's message is relatable for so many people in the world. It's such an important message conveyed through the moving, beautiful art found on each page. The color choices are an additionally brilliant choice as well. The message in this book is one we all need to listen to, but adults for sure. It's often adults that perpetuate the cruelty that children then latch onto once. They are taught to harm, which leaves a lasting mark on the world in how it shapes those they harm into the adults they become, and that has got to change. The world needs to change so that children never have to feel this way. I am so glad that I was recommended this book - by a librarian! support your libraries & libriarians! - and definitely plan to recommend it to many others.
This was such a delightful read. I follow Grant Snider over on Threads where shares poetry comics including my favorite one called Words of Wonder. When I saw that a book was being released? I knew I had to read it, and to get ahold of it during National Poetry Month is even better. The poems are fun, but also reflect on things like issues with self-confidence and how hard it can be learn something yet in a way that shows understanding while also giving hope. There's even lovely comics about how to write poetry or what it's like to write that were super relatable. There were moments where I laughed, shook my head in agreement, and just found that I felt lighter and was unable to stop smiling at the joy I was feeling. I definitely recommend picking this book up when you get a chance. You'll be happy you did.