I didn’t think I’d be rating this book so low, but the more I read the more pissed off I got. I do like to try give some benefit of the doubt as this is a indie book but oh my god?? This was not good??
The only characters I liked were Nyzaia and Larelle who we didn’t get much of and both didn’t progress the plot at all, the only one who did was Elisara who pissed me off more than anything. Caellum is a character who was probably the most useless, if you removed his chapters or character entirely nothing would be different.
The plot itself was abysmal. This is book one out of FIVE! And nothing happened. We have the explosion that kills all their families which intrigued me and each of their reactions and feelings to being forced rulers but after that it become unimportant, their powers were heightened cool but it was never explored properly. But then you get halfway and get an entire chapter of info dumping about these creatures who take children and it’s like what??? Why not SHOW us the threat and the damage they do why are you telling us???
I wish this book lived up to the first 20% but it didn’t, after that it just fell off into an abyss and never found its way back out. This could have been a great book, but instead it was a big steaming pile of disappointment.
I really enjoyed this book! The premise was amazing and it was such a blast to read. Highly recommend for my fellow queers and autistics, even if you’re an adult!
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
At first, I was so uncertain about this book. I wasn’t a fan of Bunny as I think I gave that 1 star, so at the beginning I was a bit eh and wondering should I DNF.
I’m so glad I didn’t. This book is so weird yet amazing, it takes you on a journey you don’t expect and delves deeper and deeper into a world that you can never come back from. I’ll be thinking about this story for a long time and I’m so glad I read it.
This is the second book I’ve tried from Krystal Sutherland and I’ve decided her writing and characters just aren’t for me. Also, I am not as interested in YA anymore so that doesn’t help.
Another great book by Natalie Haynes. I enjoy the sprinkling of humour she adds as she talks about these Greek Godesses made reading non fiction more fun for me!