elisabsas's reviews
989 reviews

We Deserve Monuments by Jas Hammonds

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"I cried because I felt guilty. And helpless. And lonely and frustrated and angry. I cried because I couldn’t tell if everything was changing or nothing was."
Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata

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"The long-forgotten silence sounded like music I’d never heard before."
Os lobos do inverno by Arna Bontemps

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"Meus pais me chamavam de Simuna, que significa Deus escutou, embora eu tenha suspeitas de que meu pai achasse que o nome que Ele ouviu fora uma coisa e minha mãe achasse que fora outra."
Delilah Green não está nem aí by Ashley Herring Blake

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"Delilah queria simplesmente vê-la, conversar com ela. Beijar aquela boca maravilhosa também, claro, mas o simples fato de ficar ali, na entrada da casa dela, era como mergulhar em um lago fresco depois de caminhar pelo deserto."
A vida e as mortes de Severino Olho de Dendê by Ian Fraser

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"Fazia tempo que não lia, e as palavras lhe faziam mais falta do que o ar que ela respirava."
Gap Pink Theory by เจ้าปลาน้อย

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"The rule of this game of life is you must learn to love yourself."
You Made a Fool of Death with Your Beauty by Akwaeke Emezi

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"And that’s something I’ve learned in the years since, that there are so many different types of love, so many ways someone can stay committed to you, stay in your life even if y’all aren’t together, you know? And none of these ways are more important than the other."
As the Wicked Watch by Tamron Hall

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"Missing Black children don’t typically receive the same amount of ink and airtime that missing White kids do."