elisabsas's reviews
989 reviews

Monday's Not Coming by Tiffany D. Jackson

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Rumors are born with legs that can run a mile in less than a minute. Rumors eat up dreams without condiments. Rumors do not have expiration dates. Rumors can be deadly. Rumors can get you killed.
The Insiders by Mark Oshiro

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You just seem so quiet lately, she said. My mom always says that when people get like that, it’s because the world inside is more interesting than the one outside.
The Death of Vivek Oji by Akwaeke Emezi

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Some people can't see softness without wanting to hurt it.
Peter Darling by Austin Chant

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What was the point of being himself if he had to be alone?
Finna by Nino Cipri

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"I guess I'm too much of a grammar nazi!" ... Ava wondered, not for the first time, why anyone would so proudly declare themselves to be any kind of nazi."
Sorrowland by Rivers Solomon

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"Going against tended to end more rightly, more justly, than going with. People were wrong. Rules, most of the time, favored not what was right, but what was convenient or preferable to those in charge."
Luster by Raven Leilani

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"He wants me to be myself like a leopard might be herself in a city zoo. Inert, waiting to be fed. Not out in the wild, with tendon in her teeth."
The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas

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"you are a loud, impulsive, persistent seeker of justice, and that makes people uncomfortable, but it doesn't make you bad. it makes you very good, in fact.”
Our Share of Night by Mariana Enríquez

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"He could dance when he was alone, he could get emotional in his room with a book, but when the party started he disconnected, the others turned into a movie that he could watch but not participate in. So he acted like he was invisible, which wasn't hard when everyone was drunk. And he withdrew into his room, where he felt the purest kind of relief."
O Pomar das Almas Perdidas by Nadifa Mohamed

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"Veste peças que fantasmas deixaram para trás e se torna, ela própria, um fantasma ainda maior, invisível aos passantes, que tropeçam ou pisam nela."