liked the first few essays ok then loved the last two! the essays titled purity and confession were really great and articulated a lot of thoughts and feelings ive personally had abt authenticity. excited i spotted this book as ive been looking for references for my own work abt the commodification of authenticity in the social media era so WOO ! thank u Emily !
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
didnt enjoy the first half very much because as much as i love the music references i didnt find the boys shenanigans particularly charming so i ended up not liking any of the characters at all! second half was ok and cried hard at the end as expected. i do appreciate it as a nice piece about friendship, but i am definitely not the audience for this
you know. i hated my year of rest and relaxation but wanted to give moshfegh another try and i didnt like this one either! shocker!! very little payoff and the ‘shocking’ bits just came off as very try hard wouldve enjoyed her work as a teen with no knowledge of nuance but not so much now. anyway speaking of nuance heres why i hated this book the fact that moshfegh makes an EFFORT to perpetuate the stereotype that gay men are pedophiles! wow!!! when referencing the warden spanking little boys she writes that he is a homosexual instead of just labeling him a pedophile! and she makes it clear that oh no eileen is not a lesbian she is just in love with a woman WOO! what the fuck ! why are yall down with this! stop using pedophile rape as a shocker twist plot point in your pseudo feminist power fantasy! thanks!!! oh and if you want to say well u know eileen is supposed to be a terrible person etc about the lesbian and homosexual reference im talking about above i ask you….what would be removed from understanding she is a terrible person if these two lines were cut from the book. yOu WOUldSTILL GET IT!!!!!!!wiTHOUT THE HARM TO mArGINALIZED GROUPS!!!!!!!!
all efforts to aestheticize politics culminate in one point. that point is war. so true walter so true and oh God THE EXPROPRIATION OF FILM CAPITAL IS AN URGENT DEMAND FOR THE PROLETARIAT!!!!!
enjoyable, i liked the change in tone from the first book. will probably read the next when it comes out though some of the beginning and middle sections are already leaving my brain