e_read_books's reviews
303 reviews

Space Brooms! by A.G. Rodriguez

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 51%.
I haven’t picked this up for over a week and I’m not really interested anymore. It is very much a hapless guy gets caught up in a whirlwind adventure through no fault of his own. The main character is kind of getting dragged around and so far he hasn’t got much agency as far as I read. He also has a major crush on a woman he’s only seen from afar in this space station where he lives to the point he has full on daydreams where he and her are the heroes in some imaginary attack. So, of course, she is pulled into this situation Johnny ends up in.

Idk, it just wasn’t for me. 
Idolfire by Grace Curtis

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I’ve read and enjoyed both of this author’s Sci-fi books, so I was excited to see what she did with a fantasy story.

This is fairly light in its fantasy elements, as there are only certain people that can use the Idolfire, basically faith set aflame, which I loved as a concept. We see this mostly through main character Aleya, who uses it sparingly. I also really liked the ideas of the gods, and I especially liked the idea of Nivela
stealing gods/idols to grow their own power as they conquered foreign lands, reflecting the way real world empires like Rome would come in and strip natives of their culture.
I also really liked the conclusion/reveal that came in the climax of these gods and their potential origins
when Iona is revealed to have been an ordinary woman in life who lost her family that carved the idol in her own image.

I liked all three of the main characters, Kirby, Aleya and Nylophon and their contrasting personalities. I really loved Kirby’s opening section, which was sweet and tragic matching with her personality as a kind woman, a little too trusting and naive, but a guiding star inspiring others around her to change, including Aleya and Nylophon. Aleya, in contrast, is more untrusting, hot-headed and stubborn. She believes a lot of people are against her due to her origins, so she’s felt the need to prove herself superior by being the best, smartest, strongest, etc. though that definitely pushes some people away in the beginning, she does grow throughout the story. Nylophon is the soldier who doesn’t want to be one and a bit of a misogynistic brute at that, but in a way that was still endearing, and he does grow and I really liked the conclusion of his arc.

This is a sapphic book, but romance is definitely not the focus. Some may find it disappointing that Kirby and Aleya don’t yearn all that much, rather for a time they are inconvenient travelling companions, and then fairly easily decide to be a couple. There aren’t any internal or external forces that keep them from being a couple throughout the story. But this is more of a plot focused story than a character one, and I wasn’t disappointed.

Compared to Curtis’ other works, this feels less like a series of vignettes and more like a continuous story, however, I adored the 2nd person chapters that was a poetic description of the rise of Nivela, almost like retelling a legend.

I’m eager to see where this author goes next.
Ice by Anna Kavan

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I did not enjoy reading this, but I can see the merits of it. The disorientation of having no sense of space or location was the largest factor in my lack of enjoyment. I can deal with unnamed characters, but having no orientation in space is just too much. I frequently had to read pages over again because I lost the thread, though this lessened towards the end of the book.
Circe by Madeline Miller

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I love love love The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller, so I've been looking forward to finally getting to this one.

TSoA edges out over Circe for how much I enjoyed it but only a little. 
This is a little more abstract because of course we're following immortals so timelines are pretty vague, but Circe herself keeps things grounded. I'm also not a Classicist, I have only the general knowledge of some of the more well known Greek myths, Kronos and Zeus, the minotaur, Troy, etc., so I can't comment on the accuracy of this retelling.

All that being said, I just related to Circe as a character. How she felt like an outsider to her community of gods and titans. I got upset at how her family would treat her and how every time she would find someone she thought loved her genuinely, they would ultimately leave her behind. We see Circe go through many different phases of grief and anger, and also empowerment and vengeance, but also moments of happiness.

I loved the ending!