I found Fionn kind of boring. But I loved Rose. Wanted more of Barbara bc that's such an interesting premise.... Beginning great, middle slow hard to keep me wanting to read it but the end was good I guess. Him leaving felt like forced in order to make their story more interesting and to make you feel like they were deserving of an HEA. Now I'm not hating exactly just sharing imo. Anyway the letter aspect was PERFECT. it really felt like something Fionn would've been doing all along leaving Rose little notes or letters. From the beginning. But I get it was a way for him to do the tarot card bit. I love Brynn and the way she writes the humor. Everything so on that alone made it 4 stars. But getting the extra chapters sold the .5, couldn't do the full 5 stars due to not finding Fionn interesting. Sorry
Not really my style, but I liked it enough. Took a bit to get into it but around ch 20 I started really getting into it and trying to figure out everything. I guess it could be called an HEA even though it's not the romancitcal type.
Feels a lot like how the couple in Unhinged story line went. Though I think Ever is more "Baby" than Noah is, I like how the Boys all took to him even how much Levi warmed up to him and now his bestie. Arsen is amazing, I wish we got to see him Fatal Mortality more people but it makes sense that Jericho's crew isnt as blood thirsty. I love the way James writes it feels so natural like I'm listening to a friend tell me a story. Liam DiCosimo's voice is so good, the accents *chefs kiss*
I love Erin's writing, the way she takes these unknown stories and weaves them in a way that is so in what I've coined: *Cozy Gothic*. There's always an air of eerie and dark forces in the works and sometimes they're good sometimes they're bad. But it's always an amazing adventure, where trusting in her will take you somewhere you wouldn't think of going but never end up regretting-IMO ofc 💜
I'm going to spoil a lot so just a heads up The time skips threw me off which is why its 4 and not 5 stars, I loved the retelling and how the god and their servants where protruded, would have liked to see The First or one of her acolytes but I get why they never showed up. BUT the time skip for the last birthday! I didn't realize the book was close to the end and was thrown off by the shift. I wanted the in between times a bit longer. ya know.
but I did tear up at the end when Merreck (idk the spelling) came back and stayed with her. In the end she did save kings and queens and thousands of people. She lived a full and happy life and helped people until the very end. I liked that Leopold became a healer as well, I was surprised that he was the one. I kept thinking she was going to leave and he was going to be king. I thought she'd be a constant in coming back to the castle then eventually giving into her desires and Leo being like fucking finally I've been asking for you hand for a decade, then they get married and she become queen. but to have Bells become queen was a.m.a.z.i.n.g I loved that she didn't have to live in fear for her lineage.
Pretty good, I liked how the MMC continues to struggle with his identity and how even his sister struggles with it too. How the crew is a big family and how they care for one another. There's a point when one leaves (and I get it) but I was sad to see them go. There's really well done fight scenes and how the secrets come out is cool. I don't know what influenced the parasite but I like it. There's little on screen romance, literally like 2-3 kisses and that's it. Though I know some of the side characters are more intimated.
Over all, enjoyed it. Eagerly waiting for next spring!!
So it took me a while but I liked it. It had a cool premise and the characters where fun. There were a lot of similarities to ACOTAR but different enough that it didn't follow the same plot lines. The ex/hook up character is hilarious and I loved that he became important to the story. The twist at the end where the BBEGs are siblings and how the the transformation took place. I think its a good set up for the next book!!
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
o I was trying not to get to excited but that was kinda hard I was excited and I feel like it holds up at least for me.
This book is super fast paced with lots of stuff happening at once. Spans about 5-6(?) months on the timeline. Cried several times and the only spoilers I'm giving is this: 1.) I'm not annoyed as the last book bc they actually talk about shit that's been happening 2.) it hurts but she comes back. (Vague I know but if I tell you who she is it will ruin it) 3.) the family lives on.
Okay so now that is out of the way, Rebecca you made the last book take forever and this book too fast. My theory of where this book was going didn't happen so thank you Rebecca. I live to fight and fly with you for another book.
SO good and cute, warning there is a 3rd act break up but its YA so I wont hold it against it to much. they literally could've talked about it instead of jumping to conclusions but it was cute.
Sooo I had no idea what to expect with this book, my friend just told me to add it to my tbr and I finally got around to reading it and omg the banter is amazing, the 'I'm going to actually kill you to-> you can't die I love you' is done soo so well. I love that its a true enemies to lovers, with generational hatred, really sells it. Where it does feel very Montague vs Capulet or Hatfield vs McCoy's, its still a HEA in a sense.