dmsnnrx's reviews
326 reviews

In Another Life by LittleLuxray

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For non-book records, review text and ratings are hidden. Only mood, pace, and content warnings are visible.

Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare

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I actually found it boring BUT THAT EPILOGUE
I'm Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid

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i’ll think abt it a bit more bc I think that I understand the ending but I feel that I should be more surprised by it, so it feels that I didn’t get it completely so I’ll take sometime to think
The Hidden Oracle by Rick Riordan

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I really loved it, specially at the end there were moments where I was screaming like crazy an moment when I was laughing a lot
Our Dark Duet by V.E. Schwab

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I’m devastated. Will I ever recover from this? I don’t think so