I probably would've liked this a lot more if it was longer. It's so short that I don't have time to feel for the characters whatsoever. I did enjoy some of the writing style, like there's very good quotes in there that are almost better out of context. Ultimately I'm glad I read it but I'm just completely unphazed. Maybe I'll re-read it later on in life and it'll hit differently, I don't know. For now I feel like there's better bittersweet stories about interpersonal relationships between star-crossed lovers.
Pride & Prejudice, my beloved! I don't know what I can add that would make an impact on everything that's already been said about this book, so I'll start with this: I think this is one of the best love stories ever written. The characters are so relatable and honestly amazing to follow through the narrative. I have been wanting to read this book for so long, but I stayed away in fear the vocabulary would be too difficult for me. Since I had to read Mansfield Park for class, though, I figured I'd be fine with this one and I was right! I read it so fast, I was completely encapsulated by it and couldn't put it down. I already know that I want to re-read it one day!
This book is so fucking weird. I don't know if my brain has just been influenced by the essay I've been writing on it for the past two months but it's just unsettling, and not just because of the main love story. Only reason I gave it 3 stars is because I was thoroughly entertained by the messiness of the characters and the drama of it all. Also, I really liked Austen's writing and this was my introduction to her so I am kind of grateful for it. Anyway, unless you're on a mission to read all of Austen's novels, you can probably skip this one. If you are, you should definitely not read this one last because it will leave a really weird taste in your mouth!
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
It's really well written, but I just didn't care for the characters or about anything that was going on. I was mostly bored and considered DNFing a few times...