cosyupnread5's reviews
2580 reviews

A Home at Honeysuckle Farm by Christie Barlow

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A Home at Honeysuckle Farm was such a delightful read, I instantly feel in love with the characters especially Alice Parker and Sam Reid, I really felt for Alice and all the family problems she was facing, not to mention the big family secret, I couldn't put my kindle down for wanting to find out what it was and omg I was speechless!!!!
The Holiday Cottage by the Sea by Holly Martin

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Holly Martin has done it again with another brilliant un-putdownable read, with characters you fall in love with and the perfect setting that makes this book perfect to read on the beach, her writing gets better and better, this is just the perfect summer read.
While I Was Sleeping by Dani Atkins

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While I was sleeping was such a wonderful, sad and heartbreaking read, the characters were so well developed I was so drawn in by them, I loved every minute of this wonderful book by Daniel Atkins.
Runaway Girl by Emma Tallon

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I can finally breath again after holding my breath throughout this amazing and addictive read, I enjoyed every second of this book, it was an absolute roller coaster of a story, I will definitely be recommending this one. So excited to read the follow up when it comes out.
Never Be Alone by Paige Dearth

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Never Be Alone was such a sad, inspiring story that will stay with me forever!!! I went through every emotion while reading this book, anger, sadness, heartbreak and happiness, I enjoyed every minute of this addictive read.