cneywendleton's reviews
853 reviews

Earth Angel by Alex Apostol

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Earth Angel is amazing! A heart wrenching, suspense filled novel. It made me laugh with the main character, and cry when she was put through all those horrible events. I couldn’t put it down and read it in one setting. Supernatural meets Buffy, I can’t wait to start the next one.
The Road of Darkness by Zoe Ambler

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The story in itself, I like the idea of. What I can not get past is the main character has no morals. I have never read a book where I did not sympathize with main character, or thought every bad thing she went through she deserved (which gets pretty bad at one point). More than three times, Addison feeds and kills children because she is hungry. Yes I know vampires feed off of blood, but this is either before or shortly after she has fed on adults. I just...I have issues with the harming of children no reason. I felt no compassion for what Addison was going through because she made it so easy to hate her. During World War II, she took up with a Nazi and the two were perfect for each other in their evil ways. However, their relationship took on a love/hate romance. He would beat her and abuse her, so she would kill his soldiers making him angry and causing her more pain and suffering. She of course loved it and tried to turn him when he is attacked.

In the end she is on the path to redemption but I'm not sure if she will succeed and personally I don't think she is worthy of redemption. I find the book was like a train wreck, a horrible incident that one cannot turn away from. I wasn't comfortable with a lot that happened, but I couldn't stop reading. I had to find out if she was finally killed for her evil deeds, or if she just decided not to live any more.
Hunted Angel by Alex Apostol

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Holy crap! Amazing sequel to an amazing first book. So many twists and turns you don't see coming. If you think you have everything figured out, read the next page and you are blown away again. So many things packed into one 200 page book is incredible, but everything fits without feeling overly crowded. I can't wait for the third installment!!!
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle

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Some of the cases I found interesting, some not so much. Quite a few, I had solved before Holmes or were just lacking in interest. There were few that I found really interesting and wished were longer. Again I think my opinion may be obscured by my love for BBC's Sherlock, but the book wasn't that bad. It seemed to take forever to get through because it was very dry for my taste.
The Time Machine by H.G. Wells

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It is good, and so much different from the movies. To compare the two would be horrible, simply because the movies took free reign and veered FAR from the story line. Humans look similar to China dolls and the bad humans resemble our ancestral primate relatives than humans. It could be a bit slow at times, but it kept a good pace once problems began to arise.
3AM by Amy Cross

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This ghost story was recommended to me by my aunt. I love ghost stories and jump on the story. At first I didn’t care for it because it was confusing. Aside from trying to set up a spooky story, the prologue has nothing to do with the rest of the book. Even when I thought the author would tie up loose ends at the end of the book, she fails. Then the chapters go back and forth from one point of view to another without any heads up at all. Then once you get used to it by chapters, the author starts changing perspective in the middle of the chapters.

Now the idea of the whole story seems very close to the movie 13 Ghosts, good movie but sadly did poorly in box office. Infrasonics create a disruption in the veil between this world and the next. These infrasonic waves are being created by the vibrations from the train and absorbed by the building. Allowing the veil to thin and ghosts to come through. This relates to the movie because a glass house is created by a mad man, with a machine inside that requires 13 specific ghosts to charge it and bring the mad man back to life. Which is similar to what someone in the building is trying to do.

There were also some inconsistencies in timing and things happening. I will say the ending was good, simply because you are not quite sure as to who all survived and who didn’t.