cneywendleton's reviews
853 reviews

A Shade of Vampire by Bella Forrest

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Too short first off. Sofia seems wishy-washy, and too dependent on men for my taste. I can’t quite put my finger on what it is, but there is something I just didn’t like about it. At the same time it was pretty good, definitely sucked me in so I can find out what happened. Has a sort of Twilight/Beauty and the Beast feel to it.
Dead Highways: Origins by Richard Brown

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For my very first zombie book, it was pretty good…though I have nothing to compare it to. It was heavy in over used phrases and pop culture references, which isn’t bad but it is a gamble on people knowing or not knowing them. That aside, the story was fast paced and full of suspense. Nothing really did grip me until the zombies finally appeared and am left wanting more because they don’t seem like normal zombies.