chaoticchyna's reviews
48 reviews

The Silver Ones by Charlotte Mallory

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The first chapter I thought I instantly wasn’t going to like it because the dialogue felt a little weird to me but once Rem is taken, I finally got into it. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked this book!!!

I love the way the author wrote the FMC. Rem may not be able to read or write but it didn’t stop her from being super sure of herself. She was everything I love and want in a main character. Determined, strong willed, not stupid or naive. Ugh just, I loved her.

Rems friendship with Nia is fantastic and at first I didn’t think I was going to like Lorel but she’s sassy and grew on me.

Ronan is SO hard to read. He seems to be the more wishy washy one. Rem is like all for it and he can’t just commit and make up his mind. It’s kinda annoying but in a good way.

Really looking forward to seeing Ronan & Rem build their relationship more and hopefully see more of a personality with Ronan.

I can see Jemma being an issue between them but I CANNOT see fuckin bratty Josie being a match for Ronan lol. I honestly hope Rem tears her to shreds.
Prince of Seduction by Jenny Hickman

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Rating this the same as A Cursed Kiss because it’s just the same book but from Tadhg’s POV.

I loved reading about him falling in love with Keelynn but I skimmed a few parts. There were also some parts where I really wanted to see his POV but didn’t get☹️

But honestly this book made me hella interested in Rían
Heart of the Sun Warrior by Sue Lynn Tan

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That ending went and fucked me up