Kommer sannsynligvis til å sneile meg noen sider lengre i løpet av sommerferien, men sånn generelt orker jeg ikke mer av denne boka nå. Det er meningen at det skal være en fest, men så langt er klokka 12:00 på fest dagen og vi nærmer oss ikke 19:00-19:30 for at den skal begynne i det hele tatt. Jeg har lest nesten 150 sider av tragisk familie historie. Først likte jeg begynnelsen mellom June (mor til barna og Nina, som avholder festen) og Mick (far til barna), men nå har Mick vært utro med June flere ganger, skilt seg fra henne, giftet seg tre ganger til i løpet av to år og vært utro med alle de også, før han kommer tilbake og giftet seg på nytt med June årevis før festen i heletatt skjer i nåtiden. Den eneste personen jeg liker er June fra den generasjonen. Vet ærlig talt ikke så mye om Nina ennå. Likte Hod og Kit, da.
Men ja det ble nok forhold og vi bare snakker sammen når vi har sex scener for min smak.
Håpte den skulle leve opp til Evelyn Hugo's Syv ektemenn, men det gjorde den ikke.
I agreed with its ideas beforehand. About what repairing means in the face of capitalism, colonialism, the patriarchy, environmental destruction, climate change, injustice, and modern slavery (and so on).
But I still can't stand the vast majority of visible mending expressions. I just don't like it for myself. I will stil use it on other than clothes stuff tho. For clothes, I prefer it to not show on purpose.
Adult romantasy set to the viking age and Norse gods.
Definitely, a lot of lust, sexual fantasies, and sex scenes.
And battle scenes, burn injuries and deaths from fire and weapons.
And drinking (very viking culture of it).
Norwegian audiobook narrator that I loved. The Norwegian-English was great.
Enjoyed the beginning. Despite a lot of worldbuilding thrown into the scenes.
I wanted this book to end on several occasions. Around 40%, 60%, 80% and at the end. It is really slow at many points, a lot of sub-plot things going on in the background that takes ages to get to.
While the characters flaws, goals and stakes are well-established, I don't really care for the characters. Even when they're spiraling, we know their thoughts but the moments aren't expanded on enough to pull us into the character. It just happens and then we move on.
I feel like the sex scenes and fantasies and pining is supposed to make this entertaining enough, but I don't really care.
They killed the only woman I liked
I don't want to know how many times the words "wet" and "slick" was used in all types of scenarios. There was *a lot*!
Also just, how much focus there is on body odor!! Can we please have a different scent or focus or sense?
I don't know what happened. I began reading the excerpt for this book a day ago, suddenly I was at page 200 at midnight, and now it's the next evening and it's done. The fast paced sorta light book was what I needed right now.
Also here for the ace characters. That was why I considered reading it in the first place.