Maybe I would’ve liked this better if I’d read it instead of listening to the audiobook - a few of the narrators voices were difficult for me to listen to. Sounded like I was listening to that cheerful reading voice people use on social media and it was very grating.
Book could’ve been cut in half - truly you can skip the first 60%. Everything happens in the last 15% of the book. While there was character development, it felt really sudden like “after this incident I’ve realized I’m a shitty person and I’m going to change that!” I liked the characters by the end but the vast majority of them I truly hated most of the book.
This has been my least favorite of all of the books. There was a lot of unnecessary personal drama and the fact that Thomas was r*ped and that resulted in Sofia having his child seemed like an absolutely useless plot twist in the very last portion of the book. Rebecca also came off as ridiculous when she was getting jealous that Sofia was shooting at them? That reaction didn’t line up with how she’s been presented as a character. I was really disappointed but will keep reading the series because I’m very attached to the characters.
I honestly believe everyone should read this book. Algorithms on social media have changed our entire world and it’s terrifying. You won’t feel good after reading this but it’ll probably make you think twice before opening instagram. And there is a solution if anyone in Silicon Valley actually has the decency to do it: Turn off the algorithm
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Absolutely delightful. I wish more time had been spent at the school itself - that part of the book ended abruptly but I suppose that was the point - but it was engaging to the last. Twists, turns, and surprises all culminated for the perfect ending(s).