it has been ages since I read a book in a single sitting but this one grabbed me and would not let go. I love haunted house stories, and this is one of my favorites. the writing and format was so effective, and the visuals and distortions deeply unsettling and compelling
I honestly didn't expect much from this, as books told from the perspective of a child often fall flat for me in their execution. this, though, really nailed it. it was exceptionally creepy and Bela's internal narration felt a lot like reading some of my writing from when I was her age. this book is deeply unsettling in the best way, and I liked it really a lot
I didn't expect much from this, as the last Tremblay I read left me kinda cold, but it was a lot of fun! the then/now format really worked for me, the interspersed sections of script, the slow reveal of information, it all came together really nicely. it's not mind blowing or my top book of the decade but I really enjoyed my time with it.
this book is weird and visceral and deeply compelling. I didn't know what to expect at all, and I'm glad for it because the ride was so worth being surprised by