carrionkid's reviews
86 reviews

Maurice by E.M. Forster

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A very quick read, but one that was written well before it's time. The afterward from the author about how it sat unpublished for decades because it dared to have a happy ending served only to increase it's impact. The characters are witty and human and the pacing is very natural and effortless. A wonderful period piece and a touchstone of queer history.

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The Vampire Armand by Anne Rice

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Overall, I think the last 2/3rds of this book really make it worth the read. The first third is ROUGH, filled to the brim with gratuitous CSA that the author doesn't seem to have an issue with. But from there on, I think it's a strong addition to the series even if some of the events actively contradict past books in the series. It's visceral and raw and a very good change of pace from the other books in the series. However, the CSA definitely knocks it down a star.

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Chapterhouse: Dune by Frank Herbert

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Overall this installment had a compelling plot and I liked how it brought all the threads of the series together and resolved them in a satisfying way. However, I was not a fan of the fact there's a graphic rape scene of a child nor the fact Frank Herbert decided to make literal, actual antisemitism be a plot point. I feel like the negative aspects outweigh the positive aspects, hence my rating.

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The Tale of the Body Thief by Anne Rice

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This book could've been good. There were a lot of plot threads and concepts presented that could've been honed into a compelling final product. Unfortunately, miss Rice decided to fire her editor and my GOD does it show!

There's multiple completely incoherent passages. So many descriptions of pissing. Wildly unsexy erotic scenes. Wholesale rape. And the whole thing should've ended much sooner than it did, which she tried to play off coyly as a self aware joke in chapter thirty two, which ultimately fell flat because it should've ended well before even that.

However, it's a perfect example of why a published author needs an editor so I guess it serves one greater purpose.

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Right Behind You by Lisa Gardner

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A very ambitious narrative structure but one that I think paid off well. The twists and turns were delightfully unexpected and although mystery isn't usually my genre, I enjoyed it! The family dynamics and the commentary on cycles of abuse were also very good.

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Storm Front by Jim Butcher

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The premise was fun, the plot was tightwoven and fast paced, the misogyny was not so fun. Think John Constantine if he was a dudebro instead of a bloke.

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Doctor Sleep by Stephen King

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An interesting sequel to a timeless horror work, although it was kind of crude at times. Was NOT thrilled that a book written in 2013 had a character called by a racial slur. But the theme of healing from cycles of abuse and trauma was surprisingly well done!

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Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice

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Quite a few plot threads here but they managed to come together as a worthwhile sum of so many components. The little insights into all the characters lives were a delight and made it a stronger work for their additions. 

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Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke by Eric LaRocca

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Nauseatingly haunting and twisting, although my one complaint is that it could've had a bit better pacing. However it's a fantastic work of modern horror especially with it's setting in the chatrooms of the early aughts.

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Heretics of Dune by Frank Herbert

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This was significantly better than God Emperor of Dune and the plot was compelling, full of twists and turns. The characters were interesting and I appreciate finally having some women in the spotlight as major characters. However it full dropped from a 4 star book to a 3.5 star book with the sexual assault scenes at the end and it was WAY more weird about sex than it had any right to be.

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