Une histoire courte, mais intense. La prose de Françoise Sagan est sublime dans sa simplicité et son honnêteté. Petit bijou caché de la literature française moderne.
Un chef-d’œuvre de la littérature francophone moderne. Passionnée moi-même de la Russie, et ayant eu la chance d’avoir habité sur Nevsky, j’ai eu tellement de plaisir et d’émotion lors de la lecture de ce roman. Shumona Sonja écrit comme une poétesse. Merci à elle de m’avoir fait voyagé dans le temps et l’espace le temps d’un livre. Rares sont les auteurs modernes à être capable d’exhiber autant de magie et d’imagerie à travers leur mots.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
One of my favourite discoveries of the year. An absolute literary masterpiece, and a visionary and timeless commentary on personal growth, societal pressure and love. Patricia Highsmith’s novel traces truly a delightful and inspiring story of two women in love in a time when homosexuality was not only frowned upon, but completely inexistant in fictional works. Therese and Carol are deeply attaching characters with such complex, yet realistic, issues complicating and surrounding the blossoming of their romance. I cannot recommend this book enough. As a bisexual woman, I felt so empowered and delighted to read a story that was not only credible and complex, but also gave two queer characters a happy ending. Thank you Patricia! I love you.
The denial and persecution of both Carol and Therese by authoritative male figures in the book is deeply unsettling, despite reflecting mindsets that were unfortunately widespread at the time (and sadly still are). Some comments made by these characters can trigger my fellow queer people, especially those who are still discovering their identity and sexual orientation.
Seierstad’s research on Serbia and its society, after the wars and the fall of Milosevic, is an extraordinary account of individual journeys through the tumultuous times of the 90s in post-Yugoslavia. Every account feels authentic and Seierstad’s writing is deeply engaging, acknowledging her own bias as much as her interviewees.