calistaandrechek's reviews
1129 reviews

Let Him in by William Friend

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I feel like I was lead astray on this on. It was slow, it was a bit boring and I just kept waiting for whatever big was going to happen and felt like it just never quite got there. 

There Should Have Been Eight by Nalini Singh

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This was perfect for what I felt like this week. Twists, murder, locked in a creepy old mansion in a snow storm. Yup! Totally my jam. I really enjoyed the whodunit atmosphere and I honestly had so many ideas and I did not expect all the twists. Totally recommend. 

A Haunting on the Hill by Elizabeth Hand

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Thank you to Libro.Fm for my listening copy. 
This wasn’t really up my alley it turns out. The audiobook had great sound effects to help set the creepy scene but man they set the scene for ages and ages and ages. Just too long for me. 

William by Mason Coile

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I have seen this everywhere and I had FOMO. This was way out of my comfort zone genre wise - but it was such a binge read and that ending left me with my jaw on the floor. I loved this. 

Dearest by Jacquie Walters

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Well this was creepy and dark and perfect for October. I loved how short and easy this was too read. The twists I did not see coming. I will be curious to see what this author comes up with next. 

The Boyfriend by Freida McFadden

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This was one of my favourites of Freida thus far. It’s twisty and has really good pacing. It’s one that I wanted to fly through and figure out what exactly was going on. 

Life's Too Short by Abby Jimenez

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Abby never fails to make my reading slump disappear. I loved this and I loved every single character. I wanted nothing more than to spend a day cuddles up on the couch with this story!
So Thirsty by Rachel Harrison

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This was so good! I literally sat down and read half of this and was quite bitter that I couldn’t keep reading. I wanted nothing more than to keep spending time with these characters. I want more from this group. 
Leave the Lights On by Liv Andersson

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Thank you to Libro.FM for the free audiobook in exchange for an honest review. 

I didn’t connect with this and was not shocked by any of the twists. Just not for me but a solid slow paced thriller. 
A Novel Love Story by Ashley Poston

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This was my first read by this author and I loved it. It’s so perfect for readers and we’ve all wished we lived in our favourite books. I definitely recommend. I was in love and flew through it.