Went into this book thinking it was going to be a decent source on what it's like to struggle with addiction because I'm doing research for a character in my book who struggles with addiction. Was proven wrong very quickly - this is a highly fictionalized 60s/70s era piece of scare-tactic propaganda to fuel the war on drugs and demonize drug users.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Annihilation isn’t a “so good you can’t put it down” book. It’s a “so brilliant that you have to put it down because you don’t want it to end” book. That is the best way I can surmise this book and it’s quality. Read this book. It is brilliant.
I wound up reading this book 3 times for work and I feel like every time it managed to get worse. Markets itself as a feminist western but completely fails to deliver on its premise. Might go more into detail on how terrible it is at a later date.